The first guy sounds like he’s shooting in the dark. Not good, but not bad either. I’m looking to replace my saddle and I know that will make a large difference.
Oh to have your problems @ozmadman.
@Fezzek Not sure where you are located, but if you can afford it, Steve Hogg and his partners are one of the best in the business.
Like others here, I started riding long ago before bike fits were a thing. I got my first real road bike in 1970, set it up per the rules of thumb at the time, and made minor adjustments from there. A few years ago, I had a pro fit from a very well respected fitter on a fit bike and he arrived at a fit essentially identical what I had been using for years. That’s probably because I had become adapted/molded to that fit. In any case, riding a bike isn’t natural. Sitting on a tiny seat that allows your legs to pedal, and supporting some weight on your hands, all for extended periods of time with little change isn’t by nature comfortable. A good fit (even just using the rules of thumbs) get you close to as good as it will get. After that, it’s getting accustomed and adapted to it that makes it easier.
Just read the book recommended above by Phil Burt.
Very easy read, easy to understand. Covers how to trouble shoot any problems you might be having.
Highly recommended.
here is some things to consider:
if your hands go numb, that would indicate that you are not balanced fore and aft, thus more weight on the hands. This can be changed in a number of ways but the simple fact is the reach is too long.
Knee problems can be a bunch of issues. In my experience it is often related to the shoe foot bike interface or can be made worse by improper seat height. That one is much harder to diagnose and fix.
Hip problems are almost always due to seat and seat height. This should be obvious to anyone standing behind you as you ride, if they see your hips rocking that is a bad sign.
In all cases the fitter should have been contacted and told the problem so they could address and fix. If they could not fix it then a refund would be appropriate.
On the occisions I’ve had knee pain after changing cleats this picture has sorted things out for me