Kickr Bike Fit Algorithm

I picked up my Kickr Bike Shift on Saturday and found the assembly and setup to be extremely straightforward. I was also impressed by the presence of a fit tool that could take numbers from an existing fit and tell me how to adjust the Shift to match. That is, until I used it…

The numbers I have are from a Retül fit so I am asked to input Saddle Height, Effective Seat Tube Angle, Handlebar Reach, Handlebar Stack and Crank Length. The fit tool spat out some numbers which I used to adjust the various bits and bobs and then sat on the bike to check - it was waaaay too long. I hopped off, grabbed a tape measure and measured the distance from the tip of the saddle to the bar centre and found it to be about 50mm longer than that given by the Retül fit!

I’ve done some tweaking (mostly brought the setback down significantly as that was the aspect that looked weirdest) but annoyingly haven’t actually ridden the bike properly yet as I have a nasty cold.

I know there won’t be many others in the intersection of “Has Kickr Bike” and “Has Retül Fit”, but I wondered whether anyone else has experienced any weirdness when transferring their Retül or other* fit to a Kickr Bike?

*I did some trigonometry to roughly convert the Retül measurements to those required by the other fit systems and, for both of those, the fit tool spat out what I felt was a much more sensible setback.


Actually I took had a retul fit years ago, transferred to my kicker bike, too long too high.
I opted for a fresh fit on my kB and it’s now pretty perfect,matches my road bikes.
Keep all your numbers as back up, after cleaning mine got rubbed off.

All good now, happy riding

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I transferred my Cad fit from my race bike to my Kickr and its perfect. Not a Retal fit but an equivilent alternative. Check your saddle is mounted correctly on the seatpost relative ti how it is on your bike as well.

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I’ve spent a couple of hours on it now and I reckon I’ve got it about right. I brought the saddle down a little from what the tool suggested as well.

Having done an hour yesterday with the Wahoo saddle and an hour today with one of my own, I can safely say that changing the saddle is essential for comfort. I saw in an old thread someone (one of the Dames, I think) refer to the Wahoo one as “heinous”. I’d say that’s about right. :joy:

That was me. :rofl:

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