Any advice on Tubeless inserts and what happens when you Dynaplug?
What size Vittoria Air Liner inserts for my sons Continental GP5000TR 28mm on internal width 22.5 rims (Parcours Ronde). They measure 29 point something mm (my digital calliper is on the blink - probably 29.5mm). Am I best with the size M which is meant for 27/29mm or squeeze in a Large which is meant for 30/32mm?
With him racing I want a bit of extra security in case of a puncture that will not seal with sealant. There is nothing worse than hearing the word “Valpartij” and your son’s name in the same sentence over the tannoy during the race! (funny they call a crash a Fall Party - but not funny!!)
Dynaplugs are fantastic and have solved punctures that cannot seal easily and got me back on the road in less than a minute, BUT what happens to the Vittoria Air Liner if you use them? I presume being foam, it just stick in it and doesn’t cause a huge problem?
Last big question with much divided opinion, what tubeless sealant for road tyres running 60/70psi? I have used Dynamic Barkeeper but I’m not entirely happy with it. It has struggled to seal (even when fresh) especially in the rain therefore necessitating the Dynaplug.
I’ve found tubeless very successful so far but would like to take into account any possible eventualities. Any advice greatly appreciated.