I have one precious decal remaining from my 2020 knighthood quest. I have been saving it to put on the aero road bike of my dreams when I finally get to buy it. But I would rather see it placed on the worthy steed of a knight who missed out on the original crest and who supports the DPF through this tour. I am offering it in honor of my mom, who has striven to live well with Parkinson’s for over 20 years.
Therefore, I am asking all interested knights to donate to my personal fundraising page here:
IMPORTANT!! The drawing will be held on February 16. All donations must be received by that date. Why then? Because it’s my mom’s birthday, that’s why.
Donate early and often! Every $10 gets you an entry in the drawing.
lol. I did it instinctively right after you posted it here. I also posted it in the gen pop SUF group on FB, counting on people’s honour to only enter if they’re Knights. Good luck! Hope you get loads of entries!
@DameCristy, so the wife is now looking after her father who was just diagnosed, though medical team thinks he’s been dealing with its onset for years. Based on your experience with your mom, any thoughts and insights would be welcome!
You can DM me through the forum offline if you like.