Can She Do As She's Told? (Part1)

I am loving this. Especially as sir spencer has just written a plan for me. (Btw thanks heaps sir Spence it’s going great)!

The only downside is I do feel slightly emboldened to follow dame stephs example and challenge coach sir Spence on the recovery weeks, (probably due to excessive CTL fixation). But don’t worry, I do like following a plan more!!!:nerd_face:

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Edit: I replied to a 2+ year old thread. No idea why the forum spat this out to me, or how I didn’t notice :face_exhaling:

I’ve found the only way I can consistently perform the 20 minute test in FF is to do the test plan with HM a few days before. If I do the plain FF test week, I’ll feel cooked after the 5 minute effort and often bail out mid FTP test. As best I can reckon, my legs need the ramp test as prep to handle the MAP effort without blowing. Maybe you’re like me in this regards?

Good luck with the rest of the plan!