
Anyone know what the dots on the forum page mean? I see red, blue and no dots for the listings and was wondering what they meant. Had to put an additional s since topic had to be 5 characters.


Are you referring to the dots on the left or the right of the topic heading?

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I think the dots on the left (associated with the category) relate to the color coding assigned to that category. Two dots means it’s in a sub-category.

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The blue dot to the right indicates that the topic is new. I got a tooltip when I hovered over it for a couple of seconds. (Imagine my cursor sitting on the blue dot to the right of the topic title).

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I had a look for info about this in the Discourse documentation, but couldn’t find anything after a quick search.

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I just found this in the Discourse User Guide:


Thanks for the response. Lots of good information on discourse. Appreciate it.


@Mike2 You can also use discobot - it will pull up the tutorial and answer questions.


Thanks I will check that out. I appreciate any chance to educate myself.