From the Coaches: Signs and Symptoms of Fatigue

really weird experience here for me as I swallowed and then felt like I was choking even knowing that the item went down - then I suspected it was my throat muscles that had reacted by tightening. Never occurred to me that this was possibly a training-related reaction!


Is randomly sitting on the floor and quietly weeping a sign of fatigue? (Asking for a friend)


Next level of data gathering. This I like :slight_smile:


Having completed the Tour this morning I too had noticed that my max heart rate in the last few days was considerably lower than normal during hard efforts, and that resting heart rate was climbing. First of all I’m reassured by your article that that isn’t unusual at all.
I’ll click the Google Form link now.


I use the camera on finger method to measure HRV .The results are fairly consistent so I assume it is OK
Energy readings showed a steady decline hitting a low of 14% on last day. Stress was slowly increasing with a post last stage high of 94%. I guess I was ready to go pop but not quite.Taking a day off energy is up to 25% and stress down to 72%. Sleep was a problem during the whole week.It is likely I had around 2-3 2 hour spells all night .Head felt tired but body did not want to stop.


@Coach.Mac.C I’ve been using the form. The last question gives a radio button, but I think it was meant to be a text field for general input.

Interestingly, I note that many of the questions are similar to what the HRV4Training app that I use on my phone asks!


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Should we be capturing hours slept in this too fir that picture? Feels like it might be related to these kinds of trends.

The questions about today’s training. Usually this is the sort of thing I fill in when I get the numbers in the morning. So training nit even thought about yet. Just another 9hrs at a desk and screen to look fwd to.
If we were asking how did yesterday’s training go, as well as today’s then we’d still build up that ‘after picture. Then we can be logging the same data (rather than just was yesterday’s a physical day or not.
Just a thought.

  • (as Lisa mentioned - there’s a missing free text box at the end)

I keep losing the form. Oh I need to organise these things better so I can single click something for that.

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Does anyone have any favourite HRV (android) apps they can recommend? I’ve been test-driving ithlete (seemed pretty good, then the freee trial ran out) and EliteHRV (looks a bit flashier but their ‘morning readiness’ metric appears to be dictated more by my subjective measures than anything, which might be reasonable but I don’t need an app to ask me how stressed I am and then tell me how stressed I am). I’m not totally enamoured by either really. ithlete had the auto-upload to TP metrics which was nice.

Both used the Tickr linked on the phone by bluetooth.



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I’ve been completing the form at the end of the day.

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I have been using hrv4training (on an iPhone) for about 15mths. It has been fairly consistent for me and I am very happy with it but, to pick up on what Sir Mac said in an early post, you do need a routine and to follow the instructions.


I’ll look it up, thanks.

Understood on the consistency note. I’ve been measuring daily just after waking up, before breakfast/caffeine/etc, so all very regular. On the one day I forgot I did it in the afternoon as a test after a long bike session. The test “passed” in as much as everything was wildly off.

The hrv metrics from the 2 apps I tried were very different in both their absolute values (I could tell from the write ups if they were raw numbers, normalised, or something else) and general variability (variability of hrv).



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@leebo I am using Elite HRV but with a heart strap. I didn’t have the same experience that you described.

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Been using AutoSleep for iOS + Watch OS to capture sleep, HRV, resting HR.

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Interesting. Thank you.
I think I may keep the subjective metrics constant for a bit and see how the readiness comes out.

If you don’t mind me asking, do you find that what you out in for your inputs such as stress, etc, vary very much?


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I want to help out and do this, but I don’t track HRV and I’m horrible at tracking and writing down anything for longer than a week at a time (if that). I have sooo many half-written e-mails, blogs, and training plans that it’s not even funny. I only laugh because I’m insane. :crazy_face:


This is brilliant @Coach.Mac.C. Thank you! I’m very interested in all the questions you pose about fatigue / recovery / and how one reacts to physical/mental stress. I’m a few days late to the party but I’m happy to track and fill out the form for the next two weeks or so.

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Hi coaches;

I completed the ToS at 100%. Prior to I did the pre tour plan. Prior to that a 12 week all purpose road plan advanced level. I read the information on fatigue and there is a lot that makes sense. The one thing I am seeing today is elevated BP. Back in November it was 139/52 at the clinic. Today 150/95+. This I have not expected. I read that over training can affect resting BP. I am supposed to be doing a plan for a gravel race in Utah end of May. The plan is on Training Peaks. What do you suggest? I actually felt better the last three days of tour! Thanks and any coach science help would be welcome.

This was a timely post for me. I almost DNF stage 7, felt hot like I had a fever, and sluggish. Noticed during the ride that I could not get my heart rate nor cadence up to a high level for me, although I did hit the power targets. And mentally a struggle to fight back the overly negative thoughts. I believe all of that is attributable to fatigue.

Will there a post on what to do when you detect fatigue and how to recover from the fatigue? Perhaps you mentioned this in the post and I am too fatigued to follow:) Or maybe the “ToS Recovery” plan is a clue; if so, how to know when you are recovered from the fatigue?

Thank you.

If there is published research on HRV (and many other topics) at least one member of the sports science team has done some digging into it. For a rather lengthy period of time I was using 6 different HRV apps several times a day to track consistency between devices, and how closely the prescribed fatigue/freshness matched my personal assessment. Though, not all of the apps/devices I used gave such a score. I can’t say much more than that, I’ll just say that HRV accuracy, reliability, and actionability are on the “to-do” list for our Sports Science team.

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If possible yes, but we understand if some users don’t have easy access to older email accounts. If anyone did fill out the form and use an email that is not associated with your SUF account please direct message me your SUF account email so I can find you in our database.

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