The Chores in a furnace!

Did The Chores at lunch. Felt like I was cleaning the oven while it was switched on!!

But even though I did have a wobble in the last section I was really pleased today. I felt rubbish last week in terms of energy. Just couldn’t get the power out and motivation was low. But today I just felt much stronger and I actually think with lower temps I may have made it all the way through.

Swim in the lake tomorrow followed by a very small bike and run.


I’m only a newbie I think the chores was my first pretty hard sufferfest so I was whooping with joy when I did it. Supposed to do 2 and half hours outdooor zone 2 today but 30 degs? no thanks lol. Will go out early doors tomorrow instead


I can’t believe you did anything in the middle of the day! Are you training for Mt Sufferlandria or something?
I waited as late as I could, and thankfully after 20 minutes the storm hit and temp dropped. Only 10 degrees, but that’s a huge difference. I felt so good after I added in Extra Shot, even if it was at 60%, lol


I just tried three minutes at almost 50W below my best for that time period and died after two it was so hot. That despite 2 fans and no t-shirt, but fans don’t make much difference if they’re blowing hot air at you.
Has anyone tried an ice vest? I’m thinking of those ones they wear on TV for stay warm ups before time trials in hot countries. I’ve tried putting a running vest under the tap but it didn’t last long.

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I know the feeling my “paincave” is actually exposed to sunlight all day and my usual training time window is between 1200-1400 so last time I did The chores coincidentally, it was at 30C in the room! :hot_face: was indeed super tough. downed 2 full bidons and 1 energy gel!


I love The Chores. Love it. If I could only pick one video to do forever and ever it would be The Chores. It is a masterpiece.

I think one of @Coach.Neal.H 's / @Coach.Mac.C 's pro triathletes liked to do that workout as a gauge of their fitness going into a race, and I can certainly see why. I think it’s perfect for time-triallists like myself because it hits us hard where we need it with the repeated MAP efforts, but it also gives us a chance to lock into that on-the-edge level of effort and do what we do best.


Yeah the way it hammers you before the FTP block I think simulates the latter portions of a TT type effort.

I agree it’s one of the best workouts. Love the music in it as well which always helps.

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Ugh, I despise the Julandrew song more than anything in Sufferlandria, HHNF and EoS included. Each ear to their own :hear_no_evil:


I did The Chores this afternoon. Shifters stuck right at the start of the first FTP section then I dropped a chain shifting into the big ring midway through the last set of 40/20s. Otherwise a good workout. and a reminder that actually I need to do my Chores (i.e., bike maintenance, including overhauling and recabling my shifters). Guess I now have weekend plans.


Yeah your bike was making the irony of that workout very clear by the sounds of it :slight_smile:

Reminds me, must give my bike some TLC as as well!!

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I’m the same. I love that session, even if I find the last sustained effort sheer mental torture. Maybe I need to do The Bat more often…


I love the chores too. Great Workout. I’m glad it’s not just be that find that last sustain effort a mental torture though. I have to tell myself it’ll get easier after 2 minutes. Then I might as well make it to half way. Then just do one more minute, I can do anything for one minute, right? And so on!


+1 on The Chores being a great workout.

I’ve quite liked the concept of Heat Adaptation training, so I’ve switched almost all of my training sessions to the afternoon. My room is in direct sunlight all afternoon and it doesn’t have good airflow, so conditions are comparable to the weekend rides I do, since this city is typically at 30° C by 7:30 AM and can get as hot as 49° C in the worst days.

Since doing so, I feel like my performance, especially my mental capacity to Suffer outside, has improved in comparison to when I’d train in the mornings with the air conditioner keeping me nice and cool. Back then, I’d quickly find myself overwhelmed by the heat due to the contrast of training in AC and riding in heat outside.


Before I had a cadence sensor I used to do The Chores to feel good.

Now that I have a cadence sensor it is a completely different beast. That last session is hell. Just did it for the first time aiming at hitting the cadence targets and the second interval of the last set got me there, at 8 000m oxygen levels.

The last sustained effort was indeed a mental AND physical challenge. Crazy how cadence has such an impact!

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I’ve got an odd love/hate relationship with The Chores. I did one earlier this week and the first set of efforts felt really hard. Wasn’t enjoying that at all.
Then during the second set, I felt actually pretty good and focussed on getting the cadence targets just right. Going into the third I felt great and had to hold back for the last sustained effort as I kept speeding up to close the gap in the time-trial bit of the video.
Not sure if it’s designed that way as for most sessions I’m pretty wasted towards the end.

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