So, remember in the before times when you could see all the rides you’d done and how many times you’d done them? Or, when you could just sort by date last ridden? Yeh, I know, it’s been a while.
I wanted to take a look at my ride history to see which ones I’d ridden more often than others, and when I last did them. So, I created a spreadsheet and it took me about 30 minutes, give or take.
I was really only interested in SUF vids so I opened SYSTM, went to the library, opened the SUF Channel, sorted alphabetically, clicked the vid, and clicked “view activity history”. With that, you’re shown the number of times you’d done each vid with the most recent at the top and, with that, I typed the info into the spreadsheet which I had open beside the app. I’d back out of that ride, and continue until I’d reviewed and entered them all. I then went to the regular Cycling section to do the same for Primers, Tapers, Cadence Builds, Elements of Style and Standing Starts, all of which SHOULD be in the SUF channel, as I’ve said ever since The Company removed them
It was QUITE a surprise to me just how long it had been since I’d ridden some of these:
The Trick: last ridden January 5, 2019! and only ridden 4 times
Team Scream: last ridden Jan 10, 2021 and this too, only 5 times.
Not surprising at all
Primers: ridden 30 times and last ridden Dec 3, 2024 (not counting the remix )
Cadence Builds, ridden 29 times and last rode Dec 14, 2024
Biggest surprise:
Attacker. I remember really liking this one as it was like Defender only, I could actually do it and I enjoyed it (at least that’s what I said in my notes). Last done March 13, 2023 and ONLY RIDDEN TWICE !!
I realize you can request your activity history and get ALL the data, but I had done that and it’s a SUF ton of data to work through cuz all my yoga, mobility, non-suf rides etc are included so decided to do this instead. Really glad I did.
Without doing your whole procedure (not yet anyway), I do look at my activity history for a given ride just after a SYSTM routine. Today, after doing Fight Club, and having the feeling that it was very familiar (to be fair that might be because the same clip is used for all 28 sprints), I was surprised that even though I’d ridden it 8 times, my most recent before today was about 19 months ago. Time flies when you’re having fun!
Good work. Interesting exercise but don’t think I’ve the energy to go through them all like that. It really would be such an easy quick win for Wahoo - I would definitely use it regularly to help select which workout to do and it would encourage using the full range of videos.
100% agree. I dunno how easy but it’s not like the data isn’t in there This has been asked for since SUF became SYSTM which is now in its 4th year.
Also, back in the before times (before I last rode Getting Away With It and had a job ), I would occasionally be faced with manual data collection and dreaded having to enter it all onto a spreadsheet as it felt like it would take forever but actually ended up only taking a couple of hours of dedicated, if tedious, work. The end result was always rewarding.
Sir Glen, this should have taken 10 minutes or less. DM me if you would like to know how. I may be a neophyte when it comes to social media (too damn old) but a power user with excel.
If anyone uses R, I have a script that cleans up and summarizes the history breaking things down into yoga, cycling and strength, and doing some cleanup. The output isn’t pretty, just a list with the name, duration, number of times done, first time and last time the activity was completed. It is very rough and has code to patch some issues unique to me, but I could share it
Thanks. I was actually able to do pretty much everything I wanted to do with the data dump wahoo emails you as a CSV file. Sir Stuart @Critmark gave me a couple helpful tips to get me motivated to dive in.
You talked me into it. Updated a previous spreadsheet of Suf Sessions with Last Ridden Date and Times Ridden which I can update after each ride. It is quite revealing how long ago it is since I’ve done some of the sessions and a good prompt to have another go at them rather than just repeat my fav sessions.