vEveresting attempt 23/4

Inspired by the tales here about various Everestings both real and virtual and taking advantage of the 1 year free Zwift sub I’ve been planning for a vEveresting on Alpe du Zwift.

Not 100% sure I’m ready, but I’ve unexpectedly found myself with a day at home to myself and with a day off work tomorrow 23/4. Was originally thinking of base camp but figured in for a penny, in for a pound

Some rapid food prep is done and the plan is to get started around 03:30 UK time tomorrow morning, aiming to use just the descents as breaks.

If anyone fancies joining me for a few switchbacks I’ll be somewhere on the Alpe for about 15-16 hours. I’m still quite inexperienced with the social features of Zwift. No idea how this works though :man_shrugging:

Rules are read, hopefully understood and will be fun to see if I survive :mountain: :bike::flushed:


I may have said this before but if getting the official vEveresting thing from Hells500 (aka The Keepers of the Cloud, and the originators of the concept) means anything to you (it did for me) be sure to do more than what Zwift says. While you will get the Zwift notification after you’ve reached 8848 metres, it is HIGHLY recommended you keep going for a bit. You dont have to go all the way to the top of the 9th rep but do a good 1 or 2 hundred metres to give yourself some wiggle room.

No guarantee, but I will see if I can pop on for a bit, no need to chat (it can get pretty dark and sometimes it is best just to “be there”. I also can’t guarantee how long I’d stay or that I could maintain whatever pace you choose. So, whether I can make it or not, good luck tomorrow! CRUSH it!


Yep, you did mention this and thanks for the reminder :hot_face: Although I’m pretty sure you’re just encouraging further suffering :joy:


well, I’d always encourage that but in this case it’s to avoid the wrong kind of suffering like submitting your attempt only to be told you’re 50 metres short (apparently it has happened).


And I’ll assume you are also familiar with the rules about the trainer difficulty settings, weighing in and that your trainer is an approved one for AdZ (sorry to sound like a broken record, Sir Phil) It also helps to append your Zwift name with vEveresting. Let’s folks know what you’re up to.


Also, what is your Zwift user name atm?


So quick Zwift forum search shows that to teleport to someone, you need to 1) know their username, 2) follow/friend them, and 3) they have to follow you back.

Anyone know of an easier way to find Sir Phil on the mountain? If I can make this work I’d be getting on Zwift somewhere around 3:30 am CST, 9:30 am UK and if I can’t quickly teleport to him, I’m never going to get from the shortest route start to whatever point on the hill to catch up to ‘em! Can ride a few switchbacks in support without the rider I’m supporting!


I don’t know his user name either and I’m also not sure how it’ll work to try to ride with him. If I can figure it out, I’ll pop back here


Hey all, with some low level sleuthing Sir Phil’s Zwift name is Phil Arnold vEveresting on Zwift.


Hear hear!

Yeah would love to pop in for a run or two, but would need his Zwift info to find him.

Look up :slight_smile:


you type fast

His profile is public, so you can just friend him (I think) - he doesn’t have to friend you back.

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More than you. Hehe.


With Sir Ruben @Medina81 pulling you maybe…

:smirk: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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No doubt. Fwiw, I am much prouder of my 65 minute AdZ than the sub-hour badge Sir Ruben dragged me to.


I’ve friended him, see what happens. I’ll either find him at the wee hours of the morning my time and teleport there or I’ll ride the road to sky for an hour and be there alongside him in spirit.


Appears he needs to follow us back……


Thanks chaps - I did say that I don’t really know how to use Zwift :grinning:


He’s still going! :man_biking::goat:
