2025 Tour re-schedule

I cant start the Tour until tomorrow (Tuesday 25th) here in the UK. if I re-schedule the whole week to start on the 25th will I still earn the badge if completed? thanks

I think you might be out of time if you can’t start till Tues 25th.

See the Sufferlandrian world clock for deets…

(You could always ping our temp DS and see if he could pull some minion strings to get you the badge)

Nothing must dull the Suffering.

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Worst case, just play the video on your device to get the ‘completion’ badge, and then ride it when you get time, so for example, play Sunday’s video today (and possibly today’s, just to get ‘on schedule’) then properly ride Sunday’s on Tuesday, and so on… If my mad ramblings make sense :slight_smile:


Thank you!