Auction Re-Opened: OG Knight of Sufferlandria Decal for auction

Update: courtesy of another KoS in the same situation as me, another single decal in the dark colourway, is up for auction in exchange for a DPF donation. Dame Stephanie Roberts had previously bid $46 USD until Sir Evan outbid her, but she has not responded whether she is still interested and I’d like to give other Knights the opportunity to get one for themselves.

Edit: and the winner is (The DPF) and The Great Defender himself, his nibs, Sir @emacdoug for the Knightly sum of $50 USD

Given the success of my 2013-2022 ToS Poster auction, I wonder how much I might raise for the DPF with this single decal:


Nah. Looks like a sticker to me.


The sticker is also up for auction :slight_smile:




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Lol. Given the colour scheme I just don’t see myself using it. My bikes tend to be darker and I’ve got the other one on my laptop.

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Kidding. Whatever works, man. Good Saturday, team!



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I’ll donate $10 for it.

Pretty sure I could get more than that Sir Indoors.

Edit: but I’ll make a note of your offer.

Bidding has to start somewhere! :slight_smile:

Just let me know if I need to up my bid, sir.

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Well Jon Butts has bid $25 on FB. :sunglasses: but I’m not sure if he’s eligible.

Sir Evan, Dame Stephanie Roberts now has the highest bid at $36 USD.

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I’ll up mine to $40.


Dame Stephanie has upped it again to $45

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Calling Sir @emacdoug, assuming you’ve been doing 5xDefender today and haven’t had a chance to consider relinquishing the bidding to Dame Stephanie or digging yourself in deeper?

Sir Glen, I’ll up my bid to $50. But that’s my final bid. If Dame Stephanie (or another deserving knight) wants to out bid my $50, I will happily relinquish it. :slight_smile: :crossed_swords:

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I will let her know your bid and let you know her response. Nutz!

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Donated my $50. Thank you for the auction, Sir Glen. It has gone to a very worthy cause. And this stick-/cough/ decal will have a place of honor on my top tube KoS roll call.