COBBLER is out now!

Completed Cobbler one week after new numbers from 4DP Full Frontal. What a brilliant session - truly awful - but in a really powerful way. I loved it / hated it.
Well done guys.


I ride it yesterday, almost perfect session (music generally I prefer more rock, but it is my taste I admit), great video, great sensations, Wonderfull pop up funny and informative.
Fantastic training session! many many many thanks


Cobbler is fantastic. I love the classics and to have Paris Roubaix the entire ride is awesome. Good soundtrack and hard enough to keep you working for a long period of time.

Attacker is right up my alley. I love this workout and will go down as one of my favorites. Great soundtrack too.


Just finished Cobbler.

Goosebumps all over, absolutely loved the music on interval 2.

Excellent vid. I really have no words for this Masterpiece.

Thank you.


I saw him today! He’s only there a few seconds…

Rode this today for the first time & decided would be a perfect session for rollers rather than trainer, what a great idea…
Great fun session except for 3rd interval music and that electronic voice over of I have a dream really annoying.
Fun to have the commentary going on though, always love hearing Bob Roll!
Good work, entertaining way to spend workout time

Thank you for doing this. I had noticed that the cadence was close to the music and that helped me maintain it, but I thought it was happenstance. Now I know that it was planning, and it is appreciated.

The hardest bit I found in Cobbler is the low cadences. Maybe you have a low cadence naturally, but I only survived to the end by spinning. Your 2 x 10 probably involves a high cadence. You could raise the FTP setting and cycle the first 10 minutes of the three intervals ignoring the recommended cadences. You could then “enjoy” the video I think.

How hard should Cobbler be to finish? I thought it was a bit too easy overall—I felt like I could have done at least one more sub-threshold interval, and possibly more. Should I retest? Last 4DP was over a month ago.

An absolute masterpiece in suffering. :muscle::muscle::muscle: Well done to the team! A new favourite for me. :ok_hand:

It has a great soundtrack, too! Kind of reminds me of Team Scream but for grinders who like the low-cadence stuff.


Great workout but in the midst of suffering the yellow information boxes disappears to quickly for me to read them. For me they need to be up for double the length. It takes me a bit of time to wipe the sweat out of my eyes so I can read and by them they are.disappearing.


Thanks for the feedback. We will take a look at the length of those and see if we can improve things.

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Great workout - loved it!

One suggestion - the information that flashes up about nutrition and hydration during the warm-up really needs to be in the workout description, otherwise you have to stop and get an extra bottle if you haven’t planned ahead…

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Great suffering! a fantastic race. epic setup. soundtrack. those low-cadence efforts in the third block are brutal.


Finally got to do Cobbler today for the first time. Great story and soundtrack. I love how almost two hours on the trainer goes by so quickly!

Thanks to everyone involved in putting this together! :clap:


Did this one for the first time today. Loved going through the Forest, I got all pumped up then, and wanted to sprint away! I wonder how ‘extra’ tough it would become if we could have road feel for us other trainer users… cough cough

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Bit late to the party, but completed Cobbler today. One of those vides
So where I’m going to have go through it again to pick up all the subtle messages! The small pop-up sponsor names are great (Hamsterlife?)
Great to have music match the cadence - more of this please


Did this yesterday and wow was I happy when I got to the final sprint!

LOVED the cadence matching (mostly) the bpm of the music! More if this please! :+1:


Gave it a go yesterday at 95% for my first workout of the year. Might have to go all the way next time.

I cheated though and had things linked to zwift and was watching netflix during the workout. I figured I’d save actually watching the thing when I was having issues motivating myself to get going so I could get that nice amped up feeling!

A slightly larger font size would help too. I could only read through 1/2 the text (which I suppose incentivises me to go & do it again to read the balance)