I did FF three days after Half Monty. Half Monty FTP came out at 272W, FF FTP came out at 257W. The difference on the MAP is even bigger: Half Monty MAP came out at 344W, FF MAP came out at 306W (>12% variation…).
Can anybody help me better understand / interpret these large variations between the two test results?
There can be a few reasons for differing test results, including how you’re feeling on the day, how well you pace the FF efforts. I think there’s also some rider types that can get slightly higher numbers on HM vs FF.
There are some blog posts about the different tests that don’t specifically address your question, but may help with some background:
This could be helpful:
HM vs FF
If you are an attacker or pursuiter, your HM values are higher than the FF results.
General consensus is that FF is more accurate.
Stick to the FF results for now and see how you do. If 9 feels manageable, you crank the numbers up a little towards your HM values.
Thanks for finding that post Sir @TrapMeSuf ! I thought there was one out there, but couldn’t find it.
Yeah no matter how hard I try, I’ve always been classed as a sprinter, and my HM are always higher than FF.
I basically always do the 7 day test plan with the HM on day three, which sets targets for the FF on day 7. Doing the FF, I try to just beat the suggested targets, and it’s a near death experience. For the FF 20 min interval, I set the level and gearing so that ~90rpm gives me the target power, then try to hold slightly higher rpm, so I get slightly higher FTP in the FF, as would be expected. So far this has worked well for me, and I’m categorized Sprinter.
For me, the differences between HM and FF are always big. And my habit is that I choose an average between HM and FF split. (I don’t know if I wrote it correctly and understood it in English).
Thanks for all the information! Very helpful.
I’ve generally always been categorized as an Attacker/Pursuiter or Sprinter. And I do tend to hit higher numbers on HM than in FF. Not quite as big a gap as yours. But in my workouts I tend to be able to hold my FF FTP better than my HM FTP as my HM FTP is usually about 5-10w higher than my FF FTP.
Today, oddly enough, I think I hit an accidental solution. I started HM and I was feeling pretty good and thinking I was going to smash my old numbers by a lot. But my son woke up early and interrupted me as I was at the end of the 3rd step just starting the 4th almost 15 minutes in. So I stopped. And if you stop in the middle of the ramp that invalidates the test, so I had to start over.
When I redid the test I still beat my old numbers, but I could feel the extra fatigue in my legs at the start. So I think my final numbers weren’t as high as they would’ve been. But at the same time I think they were more accurate. And I was able to hold a higher power for the same HR during the constrained section than during my previous test.
That’s confusing, so you need to do a quarter HM before a full HM, does that make it a 5/8 Monty?
I think that’s a 3/4 Monty. 2/4 (1/2) + 1/4 = 3/4.
You have a huge MAP strength! And MAP strengths creates inflated MAP and FTP results from the Half Mounty. Keep working your FTP and you will see FTP as well as MAP continue to improve on FF.
Thanks again for all the insights! Very helpful.
Actually I just did the HM two weeks ago and the FF last weekend and yes, saw some differences albeit very minor ones in both my MAP and FTP numbers.
I was only surprised that my FTP was down by 2W in my FF compared to HM and MAP was up 4W in FF when compared to HM.
And then, another surprise came, my profile which has always been a sprinter has now become a pursuiter. Didn’t expect that
I think you’ve been mis-categorized. You should be classified as “sir glutton for punishment”.
Hahaha I think that’s quite a good classification. and I do enjoy the punishment too. Hahaha