Eating to Suffer: protein intake

Look up “Bioavailability of protein” to see how much protein your body can take in per g of measured protein in the food. This metric does not address individual digestion issues (for instance, I can no longer eat nuts or dairy although I love both and both are typically great foods).

I absolutely agree. That’s why I was wondering why such a high protein intake is mentioned in the Eating To Suffer book.

I can’t agree more on the above. Quite a lot of remarks in the article are also mentioned by ‘Triathlon’ Taren Gesell in his book ‘Race Nutrition Guide’. For me the main focus is to consume enough protein during the day. Often the eating part is neglected a bit by me, especially during busy and stressful days. Maybe I should start setting timers/alarm clocks which remind me of eating in time. Rather than finding out I did not eat well (enough) during the day when I go to bed. I generally eat ‘healthy’ food, so that would not be the problem.

Hey there. This is one that interests me … with the additives being prevalent everywhere as you say.

What I hadn’t considered is that they actually derail (is that prevent/stop/reduce?) recovery.
I’d always thought of these as seemingly unnecessary additives, but actual harm - is that something that we should now be looking at?

@Martin Probably - you could also add a spice like cinnamon or cardamom or throw in some greens to try and balance things out.

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One obvious explanation to why your running is becoming stronger when you have been cycling for years might just be that you are newer to running than cycling.

In simple terms, your incremental improvement at something is more rapid when you first start doing it. Simply starting to train in a structured way will take you from beginner to advanced pretty quickly. As you get better, it starts getting harder and harder to make gains, and they’re smaller.

For example, think about how quickly a beginner with an average training plan can improve, as compared to how much an Olympian trains, and the improvements that they make annually with the amount they train.

From experience, it was pretty easy for me to go from a 45 minute 10km runner to running consistently under 40 minutes with a 12 week training plan (when I was younger and less injured). An Olympian 10k runner might train all year for a few seconds improvement.

So if you were a novice runner, but an experienced cyclist already, then most likely you’d see your running improve more rapidly through your training compared to your cycling. You’re at a point in your journey where you have more gains to make in running, and they are easy to get to.

An alternative explanation might be that actually you have a talent for running, and you’ve found your true calling… I’d very much doubt that nutrition could have any difference on which sport improved the fastest.


Eat lots of veggies and drink lots of water.

It’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s protein needs can vary based on factors such as age, gender, weight, and physical activity level. However, if you want to increase your protein intake to match the amounts described in the ETS book, there are several ways you can do so without resorting to consuming laser goats or other unconventional protein sources.

Here are some tips to help you consume more protein:

  1. Aim to have a source of protein with every meal. Good sources of protein include lean meats such as chicken, turkey, and fish, as well as plant-based sources like beans, lentils, tofu, and tempeh.
  2. Snacking on high-protein foods can help you reach your daily protein goals. Some good options include Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts and seeds, and egg salad recipe.
  3. Protein shakes can be a convenient and easy way to increase your protein intake. Look for protein powders that have at least 20 grams of protein per serving.
  4. Breakfast can be a great opportunity to increase your protein intake. Opt for protein-rich foods like eggs, Greek yogurt, or protein pancakes made with protein powder.

Ya, you need a coach for this. But if you like chocolate brownie then I have something for you that is Ramp up the day.