The event alone works.
I have registered for a group ride the final tour stage, and had the conformation email, but I am doubting my ability to find it. When I log into RGT and click events, I get lots of events, it lists them all. There is a tiny box my events? A bit small to read but I think that’s what it says, prodding that with my finger for 2 minutes does not streamline the events list, or list the group ride. I can find the solo option ride by doing a search but then it asks me to register.
You should get an email reminder before the event (usually an hour before). When you launch RGT and have a event starting in a short while, there will be a red banner across the screen below all the top Menu options (Menu, Just Ride, etc.), you can click there to jump to the event and then launch it. I’d screen grab but not at a computer with RGT.
I would recommend trying to join an event before stage 7 though, just to get familiar with the process and the steps, there are a few delays to getting in, loading the event, etc. so plan on being ready 5 minutes prior or so, and making sure all sensors are paired (another reason to test if you have never used RGT before). It’s not hard, just a little odd until you know what you are doing.
You can filter events in the RGT app to show YOUR events, but I don’t have it in front of me to test, You can also do some event finding and filtering via the RGT web page:
Sign and click “Your Events”
It can take a bit to load your events, here I am currently signed up for two on Saturday, still deciding which to do:
thanks, those are the screens I get on the computer, but the phone app does not open to those pages . I get login, then go to a page with menu, just ride, events and workouts as my options.If I click on events, it defaults to coming eventsI have clicked through 20 pages and not seen the ride.There is a section for “my events” but that does nothing, there is no drop down box or change to the screen I am viewing, so the only option from here is search.I find the stage, but it is not the group ride.
Following ….
A couple of the posts here say to select tgttos in the workouts list so I’ve found that. It says canary wharf (on my workout list) … but the posts above say it should be stelvio….
Does it make any difference re doing the workout?
Or does it not matter a bit as long as we ride the workout irrespective of whatever the video looks like?
OK I stumbled upon it…Click events, not my events.If you tap events enough times you get a drop down box with the option of group rides.The events are then filtered down so the Stelio does appear and have a red banner across it. I assume to launch it you click ride now. Thanks for your help jesawdy
@alchurch Yes, app is different as I stated. Here’s a screen grab from my phone, if you tap “Registered” under YOUR EVENTS, you should get a filtered list of your registered events. It’s confusing when you first go in, it’s not filtered and shows ALL upcoming events until you mess with the YOUR EVENTS drop down.
There’s a drop down so you van change the map you ride the workout on. Change it to Stelvio.
Also I’ve deleted my Stage 7 ride (nobody ahd signed up yet anyway) as I’ll be riding one of the Wahoo organised ones
your events does not work on my app. I can see it but tapping it does nothing
weird, I’m on iPhone for that screen grab, but can test on a few other Operating Systems late tonight. Often suggested to remove and reinstall app if you are so inclined.
I have that screen now, I was pressing :my events" thinking it would show my events
I’ve searched for this but can’t see the Stelvio requirement anywhere - does anyone know if it matters what route is used?
I’m just interested now why it has to be that one.
Wahoo team know?
Well so this should be fun. Looks like I will be riding Stage 7b FIRST, as the only group ride in RGT that really works for me is the Saturday, 2100 GMT (1700 EDT). So current plan is to launch 7b @ 1500, which will hopefully leave me with enough time to climb the Stelvio and get back to the bottom to go with the TGTTOS crew for 7a…
…as my cooldown?
I think as long as you ride that workout in RGT or just do it in Sufferfest, er, SYSTM, it will count (no matter the road/course). Since it’s a workout, the course shouldn’t matter. I think the hope is that folks will join the group events just to hang out.
EDIT - I am curious how they are consolidating this for the Wahoolimabob Badge though. I suspect there will be some busy (support) Minions later!
$%&T happens.
I’ll do AB you do BA and together you and I can share the silence, finding comfort together, the way old friends do
I was expecting an Abba meme to match the lyric reference but that one’s good too.
Edit. And between all the nonsense there’s Sir @JSampson being super helpful to the OP