Explain RGT for Stage 7

Pretty sure they’ve turned the rubber banding off now. It doesn’t matter whether you use Erg or not. Do whatever you prefer.

Edit: I just realized I never answered your question. If rubber banding is on it’s “supposed” to keep you all together so it doesn’t get too strung out. I’ve had mixed experiences with it on Z and have heard mixed reviews of it in RGT.


Thanks for clarifying.

I checked the rubber banding info which states: Events that have this featured enabled will start the same as any other group ride or group training ride, the main difference is that regardless of an individuals power output they will stay part of the larger peloton.

Well, it worked for me. I didn’t try to dial back the workout at all(don’t know how to) just decided to go 100% for the last stage.
As my first RGT, there was a lot take in.
I decided no steering, chat, voice chat whatever that is called. Not sure how rubber banded this event was.
I was really beat from the week and had about as much red for failed intervals as green.
Looks like there were 12 in the group ride. I think at one point they might have been talking about me. Between my breathing, my bike and trainer noise, and the tourney on the TV - I could not hear much.
As far as being with the group, I was off the back watching their miles in front increase with my avatar hugging the walls.
Near the end I noticed I had “climbed” nearly 2000 feet so instead of warming down, I tried to get up to 2000. Once that was accomplished, I noticed I was just short of “5 miles” so kept pushing to get to that mark.
Looks like one person made it all the way up the climb before the workout was done. Seemed most of the others continued on when the workout ended. Not sure how that ends up counting for workout and riding stats. I had 3+ miles to go, figured it would take me 40+ minutes to finish so I hopped in the broom wagon and called it a night.


I am doing the ride this morning in the UK at 11am. Still undecided whether to risk doing it on RGT or do the whole thing on SYSTM and just run RGT in the background showing no stats at all. Can anyone clarify if when a rider gets to the top first then that ends the ride for everyone or will we all be allowed to finish the full distance? My rider name will be P. white ( SWCC), ozmadman is just my forum name. Cheers

I did it at 6pm Pacific time USA
Someone finished the climb before the workout finished. Don’t know what happened to them, but the rest of us did keep going and complete the workout.


If rubber banding is turned on, then everyone will ride in a group because the strongest rider pulls everyone along. So if the strongest rider can reach the end of the course before the workout ends, the workout is over for everyone, simply because everyone has reached the end of the course.

With rubber banding turned off, everyone rides at their own speed and I reckon the vast majority of riders will not reach the top of the climb before the workout ends.


Thanks, so if I do the workout in SYSTM controlling everything with the RGT version running in the background controlling nothing, when the SYSTM ride ends can I carry on on RGT?

Yes, I think so but I’m guessing would have to probably need to jump into Sensors in RGT and enable control. I’m planning it your way in a few myself. Might do the RGT workout session later today.

I’ll probably just end RGT when SYSTM finishes this time, still thoughts of 7B(7C?).

As a level mode geek, I mean TECHNICALLY you can do anything in level mode, but I believe for RGT you’re supposed to ride in ERG mode.

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Silly question but, I want to have systm going and controlling my trainer and be connected to the rgt group ride at the same time in a separate device. This way if rgt fails on me, I can still do the full ride on systm. (Plus I really want to end with a proper Sufferfest video and no way am I capable of chatting while I ride…)

Can I do this?
How do I get system controlling the trainer instead of rgt?
I bet there’s a post elsewhere I haven’t seen yet.

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yes, do SYSTM as you do normally. In RGT Sensors page, just make sure you have “Control” turned off for your trainer. You can pair everything else to RGT if your devices support it.


Excellent, thank you very much jesawdy!


This might help anyone if you want to run SYSTM in mini-player mode and get RGT out of Full Screen mode on one device. I had to look this up to figure out how to get RGT windowed.

Alt-Enter on Windows.


Told my daughter about this discussion and she gave me the rolling eyes :roll_eyes:
She will be in Saskatoon for a student exchange later this year. She reminded my of the weather conditions in winter. Sorry about that, outdoor season is already here in Germany.

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Oh no worries! Actually there are brave souls who cycle year round here, but they are few. The road conditions make it quite dangerous in my area. (Currently sheets of solid ice in my town)
If I ever get a fat bike I’ll give winter biking in Manitoba a try! Just not on the Road.


Random rant about something inconsequential, am I the only one miffed that the summit banner is not at the actual pass IRL? It’s a few hundred meters short of the Stelvio Pass sign randomly in the middle of the last switchback… No pass sign, no restaurant, no view the other way, no ability to progress forward at all, just basically a wall at the banner, thanks for playing.


FWIW, when i climbed it this afternoon for stage 7b, I was able to go all the way past the restaurant to the gate at the pass.

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Huh, wonder why my banner was placed differently when just picking Stelvio as the route for TGTTOS workout.

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