A lot of us are doing our Full Frontal today as the start of our week in the Tour of Sufferlandria Prep Plan. It’s just enough training to get us ready to take on a full 7 day ToS event. However, I feel conflicted every time I do Full Frontal. My mind always wanders to the negatives first and then, I have to force myself back to the positives. This is how I deal with my demons after I finish Full Frontal and get the test results.
Some of you will look at this and say some great things about this test. Thank you, please give me more kudos because it does help us all. Let me take you in to my mind during and after Full Frontal.
If you ever nailed a Full Frontal test you know that feeling when you do that workout. I feel like this is not the case 75% of the time. So, I turn off my power display because I don’t want anything to give me an excuse to quit. That’s all I need to do to get through this thing is turn off my power display and only look at heart rate and ride off of feel.
Viewing my results, I am such a negative Nancy. The first thing I go after is my FTP. “Wow Aaron, that is terrible, I remember when you had a much higher FTP than that.” Then, “Your MAP is so weak dude, why do you even train at all?”
Okay, when I get through that quick spell of beating myself up, I force myself to find the positives. What are the positives I can see in my Full Frontal results??? Opportunities.
Opportunity 1: Besides my FTP, the chart shows me I am well balanced right now. My NM, MAP, and AC are all pretty well filled in.
Opportunity 2: Sure, my MAP and FTP may not be good for me but I have 90 watts of opportunity to raise my FTP closer to my MAP.
Kudos 1: My neuromuscular is always good even when I am shit. Don’t forget that Aaron.
Kudos 2: The chart shows me as well balanced besides Aerobic endurance. That’s good. I know what to focus on.
I could say Kudos 3 because everything is in the positive side in my test. I actually took my last test a bit ago, and I did it in ERG mode at much lower numbers. I did this so I could just ride the app, test things, and do easy rides. So, those increases are there because I threw the test last time. No KUDOS FOR YOU!
So, when you test today, don’t beat yourself up. Look at what you might think as failures as future opportunities. That’s what I do now, after years of beating myself up about falling 4DP numbers. Life is hard for a family person, with a job, in the COVID era. I am going to look at 2021 as the year of future opportunities and give myself a break for once. It’s impossible to stay in top form for every test, during every part of the year, during every decade of riding.