How to save downloaded videos to another hard drive on Windows app

Hi there. I’ve got the same problem on a mac. But if possible, I’d like to move the videos folder to an external drive, since it’s where I’ve got space.

Please advise.

Many thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks for this, perfect, however no need to delete the videos and re-download. I just moved the videos folder using file explorer whilst the app was closed, renamed it and then established the folder link. On opening the app all links worked fine. I think you could probably achieve the process without the command prompt by just pasting a folder shortcut into the Sufferfest folder and renaming it ‘videos’ but I haven’t tried this.

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Is there any way to see which workouts you’ve downloaded on the SYSTM app and delete where appropriate? I can’t see anything obvious.

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No, I didn’t find it, apart from check if every single WO is flagged as downloaded.

A filter like “Downloaded videos” would help a lot.
In the old app it was available

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You can filter on “Downloads: on this device”, as shown here:

This is from navigating Library → Cycling → Filter