
I just started using a Nix Biosensor. Curious if anyone else has started with the same or similar. Pretty interesting stuff. Would love to see better integration across platforms.

I’d be extremely careful with such a device. great marketing, otherwise costly and useless to put it bluntly. knowing your hydration state won’t help with performance and could actually lead to overhydration and possibly hyponatremia as the most extreme consequence. go by feel, listen to your body and drink to thirst, simple as that.
if you want more information on the topic, either check the scientific evidence (which might turn out to be quite time-consuming though), read “Waterlogged” by Tim Noakes who did a lot of research on the topic or check the first 10 minutes of one of the latest podcasts by Prof. Ross Tucker https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hY2Nlc3MuYWNhc3QuY29tL3Jzcy82MTAwODU2NTMxZmQ4MWYxMjViMzRkYWMvZGVmYXVsdA/episode/NjM3YmEzMTdiYTQ2NDcwMDEwNDBmODhh?ep=14
so proper(!) hydration is important for temperature regulation in the heat but as I said drinking to thirst is key


I know the topic is old, but plain water is never your friend. I made that mistake yesterday,and I paid for it. Always put SOMETHING in your mix, even if it is plain salt.

Is this the general recommendation for short workouts as well (in the 30-60min range)?

I almost always just drink plain water, but not a topic I’m that familiar with. (Particularly interested in best practices for indoor workouts where sweat losses tend to be much higher.)

I use Perpeteum Fizz as it has a minimum amount of calories but the same amount of electrolytes as Endrolytes and it mixes well. Also contains sodium bicarbonate and that settles my stomach and helps with muscle pain.