Knighthood Tips and thoughts

I’m pretty sure people stay in the same spot from beginning to end of the attempt, which translates to exactly zero miles. :wink:

To understand how the virtual distance calculation works, please have a look at this article:

Most videos valid for a knighthood quest are around 1 hour long. If I look at my passport, I can see most of them clocking in around 25 and 30 kilometers, when I do them individually.

At 100%: 10 x 25 - 30 kilometers = 250 to 300 kilometers == 155 to 185 miles
EDIT: @JamesT made a good point. Intensity adjustment added.
At 70%: more like 175 to 210 kilometers == 108 to 130 miles.
But it’s all fictional numbers…

…just my educated guess. Never did it.


@alchurch You will definitely not want to ride ten videos at 100%. Even in the example of long rides outdoors you are probably riding sub-threshold for much of the distance and you may also have some longer recovery via downhill sections, etc… You might be able to replicate that with some of the endurance focused videos but then you are probably talking about more time in the saddle which brings its own issues on a stationary bike.

Below is what I had planned to do for videos and % efforts.

KOS Attempt (1-3 @ 80%, 4-6 @ 75%, 7-9 @ 70%, 10 @ 65%)

  1. Attacker 53 minutes Endurance
  2. Downward Spiral 54 minutes Speed
  3. GOAT 42 minutes Endurance
  4. Do As You are Told 42 minutes Speed
  5. The Best Thing In the World 45 minutes Racing
  6. The Wretched 46 minutes Climbing
  7. The Omnium 47 minutes Racing
  8. A Very Dark Place 49 minutes Speed
  9. Power Station 49 minutes Climbing
  10. Revolver 44 minutes Speed

I ended up feeling good and did video nos. 4 and 5 at 80% instead of reducing as planned. That might have been a mistake as things started going sideways during #7 The Omnium but at that point I just willed myself to finish the challenge despite my legs feeling otherwise:

Good luck! I highly recommend the KOS prep and definitely include MTP.


Yes - that is definitely accurate although it definitely feels otherwise! :grinning: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Not 250-300. Good luck matching your single workout distance x 10 when you do 10 in a row but not gonna happen! Oh and the correct answer is your first answer :slight_smile:

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Ah, riiiight. :slight_smile: Serves me right. I wanted to just smart-ass a bit with the first part of the comment but then decided to do some semi-helpful weird calculations. Edited to mirror a more reasonable fairytale number.

Thank you Sir,
I did not intend to imply that we could or should ride the KOS at 100%, only that the efforts could be similar to a 10 hour ride on the road.short hills just under map, flat, easy to hard tempo, descents, eat drink and recover .As Suff.workouts have plenty of high intensity, as you mention, dialling down is the order of the day.

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Just as a point of reference, Joel Friel in “The Power Meter Handbook”, suggests that people who do a century in 7.5 to 8 hours usually have an Intensity Factor of between .5 and .65. For those who do it between 6.5 and 7.5 hours they have an IF between .5 and .7.


That is very useful information JSampson, thank you . Did you chose the vids on duration, workout type or just pick the ones you liked. Did you use your own playlist or rely on the ones on the vids? Did you get sick of sweet stuff during the epic knighthood, if so what did you do about it.? Sorry for all the questions .

The bum thing is a biggy, you do not know how you are coping until you either do it or not. Suggestions on the web go from make sure you have a good bike fit, practice some long rides before hand, toughen up, to the east helpful of all, “just put up with it”

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Distance during your KOS attempt also depends on a lot of things in your setup. Are you using a smart trainer or a dumb trainer? Are you using a speed sensor or the SUF Virtual Speed or the speed directly off your smart trainer? How long are the videos you chose? What intensity are you riding at? If you choose a lot of 45-60 minute videos you will have less miles than someone who chooses to throw in some longer videos like Cobbler, ISLAGIATT, Blender, or The Shovel.

My total mileage back in Nov was around 160 miles (IIRC) based on SUF virtual speed. That was with no workout over 1 hour except Thin Air which clocks in at 1 hour 15 seconds (1:00:15). Intensity varied from 80% to 65%. Total riding time 9:10:18.

If you build up to the mileage over time in your training then your body will work up to getting used to the time in the saddle. And having lots of chamois cream and spare bibs/shorts is always a good plan. And standing occasionally definitely helps (while riding).


I just listened to the music in the workouts. And I also chose videos based on the duration and the content AND the music as well as giving a good variety of workout styles. We’re lucky now that we have so many videos to choose from. Previously, you just did the 10 (or 6) that were available. A few of us have spreadsheets that we created to help plan our playlists.


@alchurch Yes - mostly picked based on duration but I also mixed in some of my favorite videos too and tried to get a good mix of workout type. I used the music from the videos which is what I generally do anyway. My nutrition was Untapped Waffles, bananas and water with NUUM tablets.


In my case, it’s been 133.34 miles (214.59 km), according to Strava. This is 6.69 miles (10.75 km ) shy of the distance I had to cover for my Everesting.

:nerd_face: :point_up: Anyway if I had chosen a bigger gear during the Knighthood, it would have been much more miles since the smart trainer regulated the resistance. :point_up: :nerd_face: