KoS quest is on my calendar

Team Scream is actually a really good workout and I would have loved to pursue that during the quest but I chickened out.

Looking at your list Sir Evan, I think @Critmark can really draw some inspiration for it. I hope you’re crushing the 4 week prep plan like a boss! :muscle:


That’s a pretty good playlist you’ve got going. The Trick can be very deceptive. I put it my first quest at number 7 thinking it would give me some good recovery. But that long sustained effort at the end is the opposite of recovery.

Personally I would remove GOAT and swap in something longer with more intervals. Maybe Blender or Butter or The Shovel. :slight_smile:

Kudos on ending with The Hunted. :+1:

Can’t wait for your day to arrive!


Totally agree on this. In fact, I find the long sustained effort at the end of the 4 intervals was rather boring if I am being honest.

Doing The Trick early on is a good thing just like what I did.

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I just finished the long weekend two weeks ahead of my assault on the castle from the KoS training plan. 44 minutes longer than the total ride planned for Fathers Day. My guess that was intentional, trying to match a typical TITS over the two days.

All went well. Even a small hiccup on one of the breaks between rides. Good practice when/if something happens on the attempt.

I have my nutrition all dialed in. Added one item to the list. My wife makes the best Banana Nut Bread. I had a slice 3.5 hours in yesterday and it was great. She is going to bake a new loaf the morning of the ride.

The only thing left is to review the suggestions above on my ride selection and finalize the agenda. I doubt there will be much change, but I have two weeks to review.

I’m ready to rock and roll.


You got this!


Thanks Glen!

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You got this in the bag!

Was this during the 10 minutes break?

Yep. Any time I have multiple rides I have been timing them to keep under 10 minutes. And I am doing everything myself. My bride of 48 years will be doing much of the water and food shuffling come the real ride. Only came in with less than 1 minute remaining of the 10 once. I am not anticipating any problems but actually glad the one did happen. Practice makes perfect.

Yup practice makes perfect.
I found using the voice commands to set the timer on my mobile phone most helpful, at least I didn’t have to waste precious time fumbling on the phone to set the timer. What I really did was, at 10 seconds before the ride ends, I would just say out loud to the phone to set a timer of 10 minutes.

As for eating, it’s best to eat on the bike during the warm up or cool down period of the ride. But it’s also do-able thing to eat during the 10 minutes break, like bananas or boiled eggs.

I actually stopped eating those rice balls and the tuna sandwiches from the 8th ride onward, as I just didn’t have the appetite to eat food which are a little savoury anymore. I am guessing, the body didn’t want anything savoury but would definitely be glad to have anything which is sweet instead. Thankfully, the dreaded bonk never came.


To quote the Yiddish expression: ‘from your mouth to God’s ears’


It’s the worse feeling ever!
Judging from your long weekend ride, you are ready to storm the gates!

Remember those 10 precious minutes go by really quickly.
A change of kit (socks included) and a visit to the loo to water the plants left me with about 40 seconds to spare before I need the need to jump back onto the bike.

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Now go out there and storm the gates!


I now have a 10 day forecast which covers my quest day. They are currently projecting 78 for a high. While that is warmer than I would like, about right for June here. Also, a lot better that the 101 it is today!

I have also begun a fundraising campaign for the American Diabetes Association. A little late for the pending quest but I will continue to raise funds up to the Tour de Cure.


One week out and ready to go. I think last weekend at 2 weeks out was planned as the last hard weekend with 9+ hours over two days. But yesterday was a lot tougher than the plan envisioned.

I spend several hours moving one and a quarter ton of 3/4" rock from the driveway to the far back end of the backyard. I think 16 trips, shoveling rock into a small cart, rolling to the back and spreading it across a 140 SqFt section under a stand of Cypress trees.

If I can do that for 6 hours including the clean up of the driveway, and then 3 hours on the bike, I think I got this. No stupid chores this week though, just rest and get ready.

I don’t know how common it is, but I am chomping at the bit to attack this.


From the looks of it, you are definitely ready for some epic suffering. You got this!
Will be cheering you on from here :muscle:

Just remember to give yourself all those positive self talk be it motivational, instructional or reward. It really does help especially when you’ve the heat building up.


All the best for you!
Remember: Everything what is needed to storm the castle is within you already. Trust yourself and crush it! :boom: :boom: :boom:


We will meet and greet you at the castle gates :wink:
Should you fall, we won’t help you get up, you fought too hard to fall! Muahahahahaha.

As Sir @Gerald said, trust yourself and crush it! We know you will.


Sir Glen, Sir Gerald and Sir Darren, I appreciate the words of encouragement. I have a good friend who thinks that this is crazy in general, and attempting it at age 66 is completely absurd. I reminded him of the quote by Albert Einstein.

Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.”


You got this, it will be dark at times, but just think strongly about all you have done to get here and what else you can do after knowing you finished this physical and mental challenge, you will be invincible. Just remember: Trust over Doubts, but Health over Pride!


We all have friends, enemies and frenemies (friends who are also enemies) alike who thinks that way because they haven’t yet understood the value of our sufferings let alone comprehend the never-ending and forever-lasting COURAGE it takes to stare at this glorious task straight in the eye and tell it, IWBMATTKYT in pursuit of VICTORY!

You can do this @Critmark!
Will try logging on as and when I can when you attempt the quest as I will be travelling outstation for work this weekend :grinning: