It’s chow time. In this episode, Wahoo sports scientists Neal Henderson and Mac Cassin tuck into pre-workout fueling strategies. They break down how your body breaks down what you put into it, what to eat, and the best time to fuel before your workout to ensure that you get the most out of your training.
Can someone comment on quantity of pre-workout nutrition?
Type, and time was covered, but, how do you match calories??? Other way to quantify?
Pre-workout do you consume 50%, 60%, ? of expected calorie burn?
I was amazed about the advice on avoiding taking high GI food 30-40 mins prior to a race. I’ve taken a gel (and seen many others too) while preparing the bike etc for a race but looks like I might have been robbing myself of some performance. Will definitely be reconsidering pre-race fuelling when I get back to racing.
For high intensity exercise carbs are key. A common intake method I’ve seen work for people without the need to much specific gastrointestinal training is 1 gram of carbs for every kilogram of body weight in the meal you have several hour prior to your training session or event
When we’re talking about fats as an energy source, is this a store that basically anyone will have some level of, even people who carry very low percentages of body fat? Or are the stores we’re thinking about here that have a fairly short life cycle very different to those that the body would store as, say belly fat for example…
When we’re talking about fats as an energy source, is this a store that basically anyone will have some level of, even people who carry very low percentages of body fat?
@euan Yes - even a lean person stores many more fat calories than carb calories. Further, there is a difference in stored energy - fat has 9 calories and carbs have 4 calories per gram. Generally carbs burn 1st - especially during high intensity training. Try to get a good variety of fat and carb calories from whole foods but avoid too many calories from processed carb and saturated fat sources. However, processed carbs can be helpful is when you need to get those calories quickly - eg. During exercise or a race.