πŸš΄πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ New Knowledge Episode - Back-to-back: How to prep for multi-day events πŸš΄πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

Whether it’s a stage race, a bike packing trip, or something like the upcoming Tour of Sufferlandria, back-to-back days on the bike put additional demands on you, both physically and mentally. In this episode, Wahoo Sports Science coaches Mac Cassin and Jeff Hoobler offer up essential advice on how to prepare for and crush your next multi-day event.

Listen here! The Knowledge Podcast


I will listen to this later, but would have been a lot more helpful a month ago, not on the last day of ToS. Just sayin!


A bit anti-climatic, wouldn’t you say? :slight_smile:

At least that is what my legs are telling me.

The podcast was available from Feb 25.

Still a little late but before the start of the ToS.