πŸš€ New Knowledge Episode - It's 12 O' Clock Somewhere! - Energy Drink Happy Hour πŸš€

Listen here! The Knowledge Podcast by Wahoo

In this episode, we’re discussing our position on energy drinks and energy shots. Join us as we discuss the primary qualities of each additive and delve into the potential benefits and risks of consuming energy drinks and energy shots before exercise. Stay tuned to The Knowledge Podcast by Wahoo for more insights on sports nutrition.

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@Eddie.RogersTKP I listened to this one on the trainer with noise canceling headphones and had some issues with hearing Coach Jeff’s audio. Overall very good review of all of the typical ingredients of a sports drink.


JSampson! Hey, thank you for the feedback. I will boost Jeff’s track. I have been nudging up the overall levels for our listeners who do listen while on trainers. I will keep bumping up the volume until someone says β€œHey Turn That Down!” :metal:t2:

Thanks again JSampson!


in general I find the audio to either be way too loud on some parts or way too quiet in others. If the editing software supports it I would suggest you apply Audio Normalization (How to normalize audio? Why do it? Everything you need to know) this will go a long way to help stabilise the audio in the podcast and make it a much better experience to listen to as it will drop the gain on the stuff thats too loud and increase the gain on the stuff thats too quiet.