Race Mode for KICKR Bike V2?

Hi there,

Do you know when we will get the new Race Mode that was introduced for the KICKR v6 for the KICKR Bike V2?



Update from Wahoo Support - “This feature is high on our road map and could possibly be launching soon. Please keep an eye out for any emails or any social media displaying new features.”


And V1?

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I only asked about the V2 as it has Direct Connect. I don’t know if it will be possible for the V1 as I don’t believe it can use direct connect?

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My understanding is that the V1 bike will never support Direct Connect, hence it can’t support this feature.

My KICKR Bike v2 did upgrade to Firmware 2.05 today. Zero release notes and no sign of Race Mode yet…

KICKR BIKE Firmware v2.0.5 / Wi-Fi 1.0.10 - 31 January, 2023

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Yep same.

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Ahh - true must be the wifi connectivity requirement at least

Has anyone really managed to get the Race Mode option to appear with the bike v2? I have Direct Connect configured and I don’t see the option. Thanks.

Is race mode now available for Kickr Smart Bike v2? I certainly can’t see it in the app settings!

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Any update on kickr bike v2 getting it???

Nothing here either. Just bought the KICKR Bike v2 and no sign of the Race Mode in app.
Connected wia WIFI.

With Wahoo and Zwift back on speaking terms and the Kickr Shift out now or later this month I guess it might arrive before Christmas if they get their skates on otherwise it looks like sometime 2024 for those who need it on Zwift

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