Replicate future ride on Kickr Shift

Hi all,

I have a century ride next month. I was hoping to load the route on my Garmin Edge 1040 and replicate the ride on my Wahoo Kickr Shift.

I have used Komoot to import the GPX file and then from Garmin I have loaded the route. I then start cycling on my Kickr Shift but the Elevation doesn’t seem to be right, it always show on the Garmin as 200ft, which seems to be the default. I’ve even tried to create a new route that starts with an epic climb, just to test, same elevation showing on my head unit and the resistance on my Kickr Shift is the same.

Can it not be done, have I done something wrong?


I got it working, for those having similar issues, its just a case of tweaking the Activity Profile you have for Indoor Cycling, select Satellite Systems > Off.

Now it loads the route correctly with the correct gradient, so straight into a 997ft Elevation now, eek :slight_smile:

Spoke to soon, so although it loads the route and gives me the correct elevation, pedalling doesn’t move me along the route, distance stays at 0ft.

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I just read this thread, was about to reply about the Activity Profiles change you needed to make and already discovered. There’s a start.
As to why it’s not moving you along the route, I’m not sure (and I have the KICKR Bike, V1, but I assume the SHIFT is also supposed to follow a course as would the Bike.)
Just to be sure it’s not something so simple that it was overlooked, I assume you did the following: 1. load the course to the Garmin 1040, then
2. you selected the course FROM THE INDOOR PROFILE (or whatever you may call the profile you use with the KICKR SHIFT “trainer.”
3. You started pedaling AND hit the START button to follow the selected course?
4. Are your data screens on the 1040 showing time advancing, power is being output, speed, cadence, etc?

If all those ARE showing as they should, I’m not sure why it isn’t moving you or getting any distance, but if those other data bits aren’t showing anything, perhaps you haven’t gotten successful pairing of the SHIFT with your Garmin?
Does it need to be unpaired and paired again maybe?
Or maybe try via ANT+ or Bluetooth, try different option?
Hope something works out for you.

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Thanks for the help, I didn’t click the Start button, oops, I do now seem to move, however, the resistance based on the elevation shown doesn’t kick in on the Kickr Shift.

Wish I could help more here, but since the SHIFT is a different animal from my KICKR BIKE (V1), I don’t really know how the SHIFT works with elevation/gradient/resistance changes. I would EXPECT that the resistance would follow changes in gradient, and I would EXPECT that it would work that way with a Garmin head unit.
The only thing that comes to mind is whether the Garmin head unit is indeed set up to CONTROL the SHIFT. (Seems like it, since your map on Garmin showed you are moving.)

Hopefully someone else with a shift will chime in with some help.

KICKRs actually show up as a power sensor, and an indoor trainer. If you pair it strictly as a power sensor then the Garmin wouldn’t be able to control it. Is it paired as a trainer?


Good thought! I forgot about the different ways you can configure… Same applies to the KICKR Bike, I think. You might be right on target with that.