Ruta Chingaza - What a lovely ride!

I chose Ruta Chingaza instead of the prescribed Recovery Spin today. Wow! “inspirational” it certainly is! Plus also educational and uplifting. Thank you for adding this to the collection

Anyone else ridden along to this video (or even done the real thing)?


Yep, I agree… what a fair amount of work went into making that route, and through some pretty tough rural areas.

9000m of elevation too!! :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

“we don’t have seasons, we have altitude”

Make sure that you check out “I Just Want To Ride” as well.

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I did that one a few days ago. Since I live in Bogota, it was pretty cool seeing some of the spots where I usually ride. I may venture to the chingaza park on my mtb sometime this year (although just bits of it… I’m not as tough as to take on the full route those guys did!).


Did the video yesterday and have to agree - lovelyt & educational.

I did it this morning and I really enjoyed it. I shared it with some friends in Guatemala City, where they close the streets to vehicles one day a week for Pasos y Pedales.

Did it last month and really enjoyed it.

It’s such a great idea! Wouldn’t it be fantastic if all major cities closed regularly closed their streets to vehicles?


The video was on my plan for today. I already wanted to go to Colombia for cycling, and now I want it even more!


You guys should go for it! There is great riding in Colombia, lots and lots of climbing.

There are some pretty good tour companies that set up riding trips, they take care of everything. Also, people coming from Europe or the US would find it affordable because of the favorable exchange rate.

If anybody is interested, you can check out I have heard some really good comments.

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Yeah it was on the ToS plan. Such a great pace of documentary, bit wet, reminded me of outdoor riding (shudders) in Wales!