Suf videos sometimes not loading on ios

Hi there,
recently I’ve been experiencing an issue when clicking on the video on my calendar it loads, but when I start there’s no video at all. I have to stop and relaunch the video and then the video loads properly. Does anyone else have this happening?
Then also some lagging happens during the sessions.
An di haven’t change anything on my setup so I don’t believe the issue is on my end. But wanted to check here before contacting the minions!

Have a good day,

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My 2 cents is just to be sure you’ve downloaded the videos first. That usually takes care of any issues for me.

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thanks for the awesome information.

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I get the same… But my guess is that the minions are focused on the new system coming out 28 September. So figured not much point worrying about it atm.

For me it doesn’t make a difference of downloaded or not.

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