Hail, Sufferlandrians! Honour, glory, and victory are ours! We have met our audacious goal of $25,000 in contributions to the Davis Phinney Foundation!
Take a moment to bask in all that you have accomplished!
Hail, Sufferlandrians! Honour, glory, and victory are ours! We have met our audacious goal of $25,000 in contributions to the Davis Phinney Foundation!
Take a moment to bask in all that you have accomplished!
Whooooo! That’s amazing, team!
Hats off to you too! Enjoy that well deserved dram!
Speaking of raising a glass, if you have not already voted, vote in the Recovery Beverage Poll. The poll closes at the end of the 7th stage.
A (pathetic) sight to see. I seem to recall the last couple years the “official” team pulled a sudden infusion of $$$ out of their hats at the last minute to pull ahead. It’s like they didn’t even try this year.
The Nation is proud of you, Sufferlandrians! 5/5 shields.
(Though overall fundraising looked way down this year. Sorry for Team DPF. They deserved better.)
Also, huge thanks and props to all who fundraised and donated, whether under the auspices of this team, another team, or no team. We all worked together to make DPF’s mission go $120K further. That dollar amount represents an incredible number of individual victories.
This is brilliant. Well suffered everyone! It was well worth coming out of social media hiding for this. I appreciate all of you!
I’m currently coiffing Canadian Whisky for national preservation reasons. I’ll return to my Lagavulin and Laphroaig in about as much time as it takes to dry peat. Thank you for being a strong leader and voice here!
“For medicinal purposes only”
About how much time is that @Sir_Terry?
Happy to take my pull! Now I’m about to head back into social media hibernation myself.
Well, about three weeks, in certain climates. In the Outer Hebrides where I spent some time becoming intimately familiar with the stuff, where it is damp and rains, sometimes every day, maybe about a year. In this climate now, maybe another three and 3 quarter years - depending on what happens in the midterms?
This is what I love about SUF. Everybody takes a turn pulling at the front. We’ve had a different team leader every year that I’ve been here. And everybody else does their best to support our leader and TDPF.
@DameCristy You did an awesome job. Thank you for all your efforts this Tour. Your efforts are LEGEND. You make GvA proud.