The 2025 wahooligan tour stage 6 - official race thread

There was one reference to the minions.


And a reference to donuts and couches


Just finished. Anyone saying this yearā€™s route is a doodle needs to have their FTP re-tested, today was brutal!

Had to go 95% after 3 intervals, and to 90% for the last 5 and nearly had to get the SUF bucket out!


(Enjoyed the video but agree there could be a bit more contextual humour to spice it up and motivate the intervals.)


What made me stay with SYSTM was the humour in the SUFFERFEST workouts. Rollercoaster isnā€™t what I like. This falls in line with the latest desuf activity we saw. This shift away from suf isnā€™t because they canā€™t. Itā€™s strategy. They seem to believe that there are more people out there who like these soft stories more than the ones about GvA, Suffering, Laser Goats etc. Maybe they are right. However, If some of my favourites get desufed, I will quit.


I think they are right, but they could make everybody happy by adding material, without removing the SUF themes from the older videos.


Iā€ve just watched the whole video again and still havenā€™t found the minions :thinking:


Ok, one couch reference and a theme park ride is called donut although it doesnā€™t really look like one.

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ChatGPT - send me an hour long cycling VO2 workout called Rollercoaster with a Sufferfest theme, and, most importantly, children having fun on summer vacation. Iā€™ll make the music on my iphone and find footage of bike races on the internet.


Here is the reference to the minions, but I guess you had to have ridden Revolver to get it (the reference to timings).


You nailed my thoughts about this workout.
I loved the workout itself and the music and the race footage I enjoyed.
Unfortunately there were a few incredibly cringy shots particular the first slow mo that Really raised red flags for me. ā€œAre you warmed up?ā€ in time With a slow mo footage of little girls, I was creeped out bigtime . Did no human review this? Maybe someone very innocent reviewed it.
It looked indeed like AI selected video footage, why children and soooo much slow motion? My Goodness. Donā€™t get me wrong lots of the footage came across totally fine and hit a fun , happy vibe (kid waving, the two older kids near the end, the high five at the end etc) but some of those shots I never want to see againā€¦ Just creepy vibes from the combo of slow mo and so on.
I think this video could be really great if they just applied some of the editing to it they seem to feel the actual Sufferfest videos needed. :disappointed: I guess, it is a really sad world when things need to be watched out for in this way, but thereā€™s is more than one person noticing this Wahoo.
Please, pay attention to this and edit out at least some of those shots.

I think itā€™s really awesome to have a new Suf vid, although the above put me off. Obviously everyoneā€™s sensitivity meter will differ but for example, If I were to walk into a room where my significant other is working out and see a little girl running her hand down a pole in slow motionā€¦ Holy, no context batman. Just ultra creepy to have that all slow mo. I better stop now ha.
Loved the music! :sweat_smile:

Edit : was that deliberately left in there so I wouldnā€™t be bored?!


I was expecting (hoping, rather) that there would be a Chores reference to the spilled popcorn near the end.


Good workout. A grade SUF.

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Ah, I saw it and got the reference to Revolver. It might be nitpicking but the word minions wasnā€™t mentioned.

@Rupert please read the comments about the rest intervals on this video. Although the power profile at length look like this would be a great workout for me, I am very reluctant to try a video when other riders describe parts of it as ā€œcreepyā€ and a pediatrician flags it because it reminded him of child abuse cases. Itā€™s not being PC to listen to your customers when some of them are creeped out by content. Please send this up the chain of command at your company.


Now that Iā€™ve seen that, I canā€™t unsee it. Hand sliding down poleā€¦ Ewwww. Popcorn part is fine tho.

Otherwise , I really enjoyed the workout and its music. I think I noticed a few capitalized terms Breakaway, Big Dipper, ā€¦ I wonder if they presage upcoming vids?

I could do with recovery footage involving funnel cake, cotton candy, and other amusement park food as a variation on the slo mo shots toward the front


Sure suffered on this despite @gwydion looking fresh(ish) as a lava flower. Nearly bailed during 1-4, then sucked it up and finished strong. Whoop, go me! Whereā€™re the beer/wine/recovery drinks- in that order! :wink:


This is a proper SUFfing workout. Chapeau. Intervals are really well done, race footage is great, and honestly, the dystopian theme parks have a kernel of a truly Sufferlandrian storyline. Itā€™s definitely there in the visuals.

Just to prove that weā€™re all bothered by different things, though, my I direct the Wahoo copy writers here:


Stage 6 Tour of SUF - Retro Gear
How much has shifting on road bikes changed in the past 40-50 years? A lot! Until the 90ā€™s your hands absolutely had to leave the bars to change gears using downtube shifters. Not a huge problem on the flats or climbs, but a little dicey in a bunch sprint finish. And, you had to have good feel and hearing to find the sweetspot on the cog you wanted without the chain trying to upshift or downshift on you. Those were the friction shift days. Then we progressed to indexed shifting, where the premise was to have ratcheted movement in the shift lever, saving the rider from having to ā€œfindā€ the precise, right lever position. These were hard to set up and maintain. Then toward the end of the 1990ā€™s new brake lever shifters (brifters) came onto the market working with 8 speed cassettes and this innovation has stuck around. Were you good at using downtube shifters or not so good?


Thanks for the memories:


I found Stage 6 quite manageable. Intervals were not too short for dumb trainer use. To survive the Tour I did this one at 85% and no intervals went higher than FTP.

It still hurts as it was day 6.