The 2025 wahooligan tour stage 6 - official race thread

The Wahooligan Tour STAGE 6 - Friday February 28

Time to test your metal for Stage 6 with our brand new SUF workout: Rollercoaster :roller_coaster:

Guaranteed to be a thrilling ride, get ready for a workout designed to take you on a rollercoaster ride of intensity and focus. Every interval is a race within the ride, so gear up for the grit of the cobbles and the thrill of the chase.


Sufferfest: Rollercoaster

Get ready for a workout designed to take you on a wild ride of intensity and focus. RollerCoaster pushes you near your VO2 max, with intervals carefully broken into smaller chunks that gradually build to your peak effort before dropping slightly to keep you going. These dynamic shifts allow you to sustain high-intensity work without hitting your absolute limit the entire time. The structure ensures maximum time spent near VO2 max, boosting endurance and power while helping you mentally tackle each challenge one manageable piece at a time.

Recovery is tailored to the effort you just completed, giving your legs the reset they need to dive into the next wave of intensity. Paired with inspiring footage of the Brabantsje Pils Spring Classics, youā€™ll feel the grit of the cobbles and the thrill of the chase as you power through climbs and recover on the descents. Remember: keep your form smooth, your breathing controlled, and your mind locked into each effort. Treat every interval as a race within the ride. The dips in intensity are there to help you, not let you off the hookā€”this is one ride you wonā€™t forget!

Remember, you have 50 hours to complete each stage. As long as itā€™s still todayā€™s date anywhere on earth, youā€™re golden. Check out the Tour Challenge Page for details on stage open and close times.


Stage 6 done and dusted. The new videos are certainly a set up in video and audio quality compared to the vintage stuff.
Good interval map training. Itā€™s something I need after a long winter of running outside. Mostly at zone 2 or zone 3.
What I donā€™t get: why name it rollercoaster and use little to no rollercoaster in the storyline. Why use race video from 2021. Covid masking is not a great memory. They used 2024 tour de suisse video in one of the recent updates. Makes no sense to me.
Again Iā€™m overall happy to still have some resources going to the product. And its a great cause.


I would love to give a Stage 6 report and express my feelings about the new Rollercoaster workout and how it went for me today but that would BORE PEOPLE TO TEARS so instead, I will leave you with this very, very, very exciting Stage 6 reportā€¦.

Stage 6 done.


You calling our reports boring, Sir Eric?

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By TSS/minute Rollercoaster is the hardest SUF next to Extra Shot. On the calendar for tomorrow, but if this is truly harder than The Downward Spiral or Nine Hammers I may have to leave instructions to be buried next to my bike.


It was certainly tough on my tired legs today. After the sprints yesterday, I felt the fatigue both leg and mental. I popped after the second big interval then dropped it by 10%.

Iā€™m not sure it would rival 9 hammers but it would be close.


Such beautiful suffering.

Admittedly I had to drop % midway, but enjoyed story concept - it looked like a rollercoaster!(even if well matched as some others) and will attempt this one again.

Best this tour since Who Dares imo - which is a personal go to (because the tunes are banging, the vintage videos told good story, and one I can personally motivate myself through the intervals as a fitness checkpoint)


To be honest, I was expecting a good workout but rubbish music/visuals. It was excellent though!
Absolutely brutal MAP session (which bordered on AC at some points). There wasnā€™t really a storyline but not all of the interval sessions a do (revolver, half is easyā€¦). It had a good general theme with the rollercoaster efforts going up and down though.
GVA might not have been mentioned but my chamois has been shredded, set fire to and thrown into an incinerator!


This morning I completed Stage 6. Itā€™s a great workout. Very SUF-worthy. Efforts right on the edge.
However I spotted some typos. But I fixed that for you.


Iā€™ll echo some of the other comments on this new workout.

I was saving this for the Tour with some anticipation that we might get something to rekindle a newer, stronger, SUF version of things, with a clear indication of how the company plan to proceed ahead.

WTF are they thinking with the recovery footage at what looks like the worldā€™s least amusing amusement park, and those kidsā€¦ absolutely terrible. I really dislike this footage. Is this what the company has become and, more importantly, what they think we want?

I will ride this again as it dishes out a fairly decent beating, but will run something else in the foreground. The video is unforgivable and very forgettable.

Great soundtrack though, but with no SUF humour or even a tip of the hat to Our History, this has to be a one of the most dilute, De-Suffed videos of the lot.

If ever a workout needed to be re-mastered, and quickly, or even made into a No-Vid, this is the one.

ā€œWahooliganā€ indeedā€¦ embarrassing.


Good workout. Recovery levels too low. Why in the world are we watching little kids most of the time? Definitely no Sufferlandria storyline. Iā€™d do it again without video. It was not motivating to me at all.

Thereā€™s so much that could be done with this rollercoaster themeā€¦it really felt like someone spent about 3min on the storyline and 10min finding terrible amusement park video!


Updated image for your Strava postsā€¦

Squiggles to followā€¦


Done. ( also CrossFit Open workout 25.1 done- but thatā€™s for another forum!)

More SUF Needed in the words/etc though.

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I must have been crazy to do Rollercoaster at 100% after doing Burgberg less than 24 hours ago.

Sufferlandria must have installed a primitive Consumer Protection Agency because at the beginning of the video there was a warning about minion timing.

I feel this is a step in the right direction, there was some SUF humor. Doing a storyline is very difficult. Wahoo should be encouraged, not discouraged from improving.

If you think something is too easy, you can always increase the effort.


Too easy it was not! Totally agree though, if we moan about absolutely everything that they do than wahoo will simply stop bothering.


So, I am not one to dismiss things out of hand (well, most things). So, this morning I rode Rollercoaster to see what the fuss is all about.

I have to say, Rollercoaster is not horrible. Maybe thatā€™s daming it with faint praise. But hereā€™s my full review, if you care to read onā€¦

TLDR; I have a lot of mixed feelings. Rollercoaster has good bones and a massive amount of potential. But then it never comes close to living up to it. And even tho itā€™s me saying it, I donā€™t know if saying it could be awesome is praise or a put-down.

I went into the workout trying to play down my expecations of either awesomeness or awefulness. So, Iā€™m not biased or joking when I say that Rollercoaster has great bones.

To startā€¦ Here are the 5 things that all great Sufferfest workouts have:

  1. An overarching theme - Defender, Attacker, Cobbler, Power Station, AVDPā€¦ They all have a theme that is referenced throught the workout to tie in the video to the workout.
  2. A coherent storyline - This is often mixed with the theme, but it isnā€™t the same thing. The storyline provides the details of the racing. For instance, each individual effort in Fight Club is a race. Each section of Defender is a stage of a larger race. Each attack in DAYT. Each section has a context to how it all fits into the larger narrative.
  3. Each effort has motivation and a reason. ā€œI think I heard a gear change. I think someoenā€™s about toā€¦ Attack!ā€ or ā€œCatch himā€ or ā€œDonā€™t let her get away!ā€ or ā€œClose that gap!ā€ or simply ā€œSprint for itā€ or ā€œAttack!ā€ And they all fit into the storyline.
  4. SUF References and humor - These are often motivational or self-depricating or silly. But they provide levity and ensure that youā€™re properly motivated while also not taking yourself too seriously.
  5. One other thing that I forgot

Again, Iā€™ll say that Rollercoaster has the bones of a good Sufferfest workout. The video and the music

Music - For the most part the music was pretty good. Iā€™ll be the first to admit that music is very subjective. So, simply comparing what music is in other Sufferfest workouts, I can say that the music in Rollercoast was pretty standard SUF music and for the most part seemed to work with the theme, the storyline, and the invidivual efforst. Not all will enjoy every song. And there was a distinct lack of lyrics. But by and larger the music fit and I was sufficiently encouraged and motivated by it.

Video - I felt that most of the video was also pretty well done. I know a number of people have made some comments about the slow motion kids during the recoveries, but hereā€™s the thing. So much of what is in the video in Rollercoaster is also in many of the older Sufferfest videos. I didnā€™t really see anything that stood out as being poorly done in the videos except for one section after the girl goes down the waterslide and thereā€™s a few seconds of video thatā€™s left in that shows the girl holding the camera and selfie-stick. This is probablty somewhat of a nit-pik, but seeing how itā€™s being filmed (even tho itā€™s still pretty obvious while watching that and the previous waterslide clips) does take away from the video by taking you out of first-person mode and putting you in third-person mode by showing you how sheā€™s holding the camera the entire time.

What is really missing from Rollercoaster and would link all those recovery video segment is the storyline and included text (that is missing from so much of the video) that would provide the context that makes everything make sense.

Think about watching pigs lying on the beach in No Place Like Home or watching Butter or The Chores. Youā€™re watching videos of someone making butter and videos of people mopping and doing household chores. Without the text and the storyline those videos would have no apparent reason to be included and would seem completely out of place. But with the added text and storyline thereā€™s a real good reason for those video clips.

The second that describes the science behind the workout is perfect. So many SUF videos have that too.

Thereā€™s a couple jokes and they kind of work, but there are so many more opportunities instead that are missed.

The introduction has so many spots for added storyline and for humor, either SUF humor or even non-SUF humor. Like when the mother and son are pointed at different rides.
Kid: ā€œWe should ride 9 Hammers before we get Pain Shakes!ā€
Mom: ā€œI think you need to Do As Youā€™re Told before you do The Choresā€
Or even a joke as to why the 2 kids are the only ones getting on the roller coaster. So many spots for speech bubbles and humor, etc.

25:30 - Girl goes down the waterslide into the pool and the text says ā€œRemember to keep drinking.ā€ Is this intended humor or not? If there was more included humor then I would instantly recognized this and laugh as it was pretty good timing. But because the words appeared a little too soon (and there was no story line) it was no apparent if it was intended as humor or not.

41:25 - Spoke-tacular is a great joke! But the follow-up text is a let-down.

42:40 - Boy lying on the slide with a joke about wanting to lie down right now is great humor! And then right after is a boy using the rings and could easily say something motivational like ā€œHang in there!ā€ before saying ā€œOnly 2 more intervals to go!ā€ But instead says ā€œBut dig deep to find more powerā€. Bah! Such a missed opportunity!

The abandonned Chernobyl ferris wheel is very out of place not because itā€™s neccessarily inappropriate, but because itā€™s completely out of context. It could be any ferris wheel, so why use that one? Throw in something cheesy or lame or slightly inappropriate joke (but not too inappropriate) and then thereā€™s a reason for it. That kind of humor could be arguably questionable and not for everyone - but thatā€™s how humor woorks. It either needed to be referenced in some way or cut out because as it is itā€™s just a pointless throw-away and wouldnā€™t be missed if it was cut out. Give it a purpose.

There are so many other spots littered around just wating for SOMETHING. Yes, not every piece of video needs storyline added to it. There are plenty of segments of SUF videos without text. But they also have plenty of storyline and humor to fill in all those sections. Giving you reasons why you should attack or sprint or catch that rider!

So, yes. Rollercoaster is on the right trackā€¦ :smiling_face: And has a great foundation. And it could be an awesome SUF video! What itā€™s really missing is the storyline and the context and the the humor that connects everything together and wraps it up into a package so it all makes sense. Without that all it is is just racing footage put to music.

Thereā€™s so much potential. I hope it gets a facelift

Thanks for listening to my TED talk.


Agreed. Not just with this statement, but largely with your whole TLDR.

As far as the workout was concerned, having done Cash Register and Burgberg back-to-back with thee DPF thank you Zoom about 14 hours before hand, I just had to scale back on the MAP percentages for about half of the intervals, but I assume if this ever comes up as part of a plan for me in the future, that Iā€™ll be able to do it all-out.

Add me to the list of folks who arenā€™t greatly impressed, but Iā€™m so glad that some effort has been made!


Not too bad for a first attempt. Storylines and humor may develop with time and more experience.

The workout itself is very SUF worthy. Right up there with FVG (my personal nemesis) but with a little more hope built in.

Regarding video and sound.
Whatā€™s going on on screen and in my headphones syncs with whatā€™s happening on the bike. A great leap forward in comparison to the unfortunately remastered WD - not to mention other new stuff like the deeply flawed EF All Access videos.

Keep going in this direction and youā€™ll get there eventually!

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Itā€™s now been a few of hours since I completed this workout and I still have very mixed feelings about it - happy about a hard workout, disappointed about the lack of sarcasm, shocked about the total lack of Sufferlandria, Couchlandria or Minions. They didnā€™t even talk about donutsā€¦
The workout part is good and a good foundation for a real Sufferfest video. But anything else reminds me of a well known phrase that is used in job reference letters here in Germany ā€œer war stets bemĆ¼ht, den Anforderung gerecht zu werdenā€. Itā€™s the polite version of ā€œhe tried really hard to meet requirementsā€ with an unspoken ā€œā€¦but ultimately failedā€.
For me its obvious that Wahoo havenā€™t found someone who could replace the creative genius of Francois Guguen.