Weight Loss

Hi, I am just looking for any advice.

I currently weight 68 kg and 5,7" at my best I weigh 60kg. For the last 2 years I cant seem to shift the most annoying body fat and get down back to the magical 60kg. I normally in day have porridge to start the day and then a protein cookie, rice bowl for lunch with chicken or a tuna wrap and then a homemade tea so anything from peri chicken to a homemade pie without cream. I have an affinty with chocolate.

What sofware or plans have you used to really slim down and what kind of plan should I use? Also how can i stop my chocolate cravings. With a SUF workout I can burn 400-500 calories on a weekday and then on a outdoor ride I can burn 1000-1500 calories.

Any ideas, tips or advise is so appreciated. I really want to get to the 60kg mark

Hi @George_Comerddd Thanks for your post. As Iā€™m sure you are already aware. There are as many opinions about weight loss as there are bikes to choose from. Not knowing about your specifics here are my ā€˜generalā€™ recommendations. Get quality sleep, (very important in managing energy levels, hunger and cravings, etc), get a good mix of macronutrients-protein, carb and fats (translation; eat real food-preferably not from a wrapper), work hard and rest well-donā€™t compromise here. Avoid excessive alcohol.
Secondly, start a journal- keep track of your behavior for a week and review- Start with Sleep time and quality, how you feel when you woke up; meal time/snack time (quantity and content-general) workout time and effort-How did you feel at the end of the day?
Weight is not only about calories in and calories out.
Yes, this is important but so are sleep, stress, macronutrients, exercise intensity, as well as other factors like daily routine, type of job. Etc. It is a big equation and the equation is different for everyone.


Just in case you notice and wonder why, I just moved this thread into the Training section. Purely for housekeeping :slight_smile:

During the look down in Italy (March /May last year) I gained weight and I decided it was time to lose it.
I started to keep tracking of what I eat during the day with an app (MyFitnessPal, but there are many) and I begun a keto diet reading some articles.
I ride about 8k/10k km per year and Iā€™m was not fat, I was 82 kg 1.80 cm, but my weight inverted the tendency to increase.
During those month I learned how to eat and balance riding with some extra intake.
Now Iā€™m 74 kg.

I love chocolate as well and there are a lot of recipes on keto diet with it.

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Iā€™ve found weight training to be more effective than cardio. Even better is rock climbing, because you can do it for longer. It doesnā€™t make me as hungry as running or cycling. More muscle mass is good for increasing your basal metabolic rate. That being said, Iā€™m a woman, so I donā€™t put on muscle weight very fast. I suppose if you only want to reduce fat and donā€™t want to put on any muscle, donā€™t do this :slight_smile:

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Just to add a note and to build on your pointā€¦Iā€™ve always found weight to be a very misleading number, % body fat is a bit more useful. Not sure of the original posters age but people do lose muscle mass as they age so building muscle should definitely help with ā€œlosing fatā€ though may throw off the scale a bit.

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As above, body fat and shape are much more important IMHO.
But if you race, then it will be very important to you, as its quite important for that.
Also mentioned was myfitnesspal.
When I started using it, it became apparent how much I was wrong about all those foods I thought were good and not ā€œtooā€ bad.
It then leads you into looking much harder at the labels and the calories and quantities of food youā€™re consuming.

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The best thing I did was meet with a nutritionist and put power meters on all of my bikes.

My nutritionist gave me a calorie count to hit each day and Iā€™ve been entering everything I ate including weighing everything. Youā€™d be surprised how many calories there is in normal or usual portions.

The second is actual calorie burn form cycling. Before power meters, my Garmin estimated anywhere between 1k and 2k calories per ride using HR. Reality was much less. Once I had a true power output, my usual rides were 500-700 calories.

The two combined has resulted in a 65 lb. weight loss in the last year with some weeks falling off the wagon. Your mileage may vary, but this is what worked for me.

@hackr Definitely one in the weight training corner. The key is that you donā€™t have to build mass, just use it. There are two schools of thought, and Wahoo/The Sufferfest is in the first with light weights, but a moderate to high amount of reps. The other school is heavy weights but a low amount of reps. The first gets your CV system involved and should raise your heart rate. It also ā€˜growsā€™ your slow twitch fibers. The second places the stress on your Muscles and Skeleton. You need this to both maintain muscle mass but, more importantly to cyclists, keep your skeleton strong. Most fitness coaches recommend a mix of the two. You will find that Wahoo Strength training moves from light/fast to slow/heavy. A one Kilo water bottle becomes very heavy after heaving it overhead for a minute! So, add, if you can weight training to your Sufferfest training plan. If you are doing no training now, Beginner. If you are moving from a separate plan to the Suf plans, Intermediate. Start at 1A for either

@George_Comerddd Here are a few suggestions in addition to what has already been said: Eat lots of plant foods with fiber (fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole unprocessed grains, mushrooms, nuts and seeds) as they cue your satiety hormones and the fiber in those foods just passes through the body. Drink cold water to increase adrenal hormone and boost the metabolism. Water also can help you feel full faster when you drink prior to and during meals. Take advantage of circadian rhythms by timing meals to be larger in the morning and smaller in the evening. Avoid alcohol when possible. The liver breaks the alcohol down in two steps and meanwhile stores all other calories as fat. Generally the ā€œdietā€ that works is the one you can do forever.

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Something that has worked for me to help with portion control is using smaller plates and bowls for meals. That way I can fill my plate with a moderate amount of food, finish it, and then decide if I want more. The break at the end of the first serving is often enough for me to decide that I have had sufficient.

I also use this trick for desserts, using tiny tea cups for things like ice cream. Being able to have one full (although very small) bowl is enough for my head to say that Iā€™ve had enough.


I have also been on keto and used the app Carb Manager to track. Though I havenā€™t had great success on the weight loss I have successfully managed to do ToS while not eating carbs so I think at least I have adapted my body to burn fats instead of carbs when riding

I struggled to lose weight for years. Then I realized that of all the training I was doing, the thing that would benefit me the most was being not just neglected but actively sabotaged. Now my diet is integral to my training. And Iā€™ve lost over 20lbs in 4 1/2 months by eating wisely.


Losing weight while keeping performance strong can be tricky, especially with intense training. Eating enough protein and timing carbs right made a big difference for me. A friend suggested checking out Canadian Steroids Shop for supplements, but I focused mainly on dialing in my nutrition and staying consistent with workouts.

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The problem with all this advice is not that it is not useful, or wrong, but that the biochemistry of nutrition is different for different people. You need to experiment with yourself and see what works for you.

To give a few examples.

Different people, react differently to different types of carbs. Individuals vary with their sensitivity to carbs. Percent body fat may not be as important as where the body fat is. What you need to eat may vary with what current medical conditions you have.

The tools exist today to help you do this.


Yes. This is really the answer.

The best weight loss and nutrition plan for you is the one that you can stick with.

Everyoneā€™s physiology and personality are different. And even people with similar physiology may have different temperment. So while they may easily stick with it, it may not be the best for you - at least on a psychological level.

Iā€™ve used a few different methods. They all worked as long as I kept at it. Some were easier for me than others. And ones that I thought were easy were not always so easy or simple for my wife as she has different physiology and a much different personality. And thatā€™s probably the majority of the trial & error that you need to work through that canā€™t be measured or given to you.

You can learn many different ways to make an omlet. Ultimately, you get to try them and eat them and decide which one(s) you like the best - or decide you donā€™t like omlets. :slight_smile:


There are tools today that can make this a little easier, such as DEXA scans, Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis scales, continuous glucose monitors(prescriptions no longer needed), resting metabolism analysis, and software that computes macornutrient needs based on exercise and weight loss goals.