Calcuate 4DP Values from Ramp Test or another FTP Test?

Not sure which advice you’re gonna follow but I’ll put my 2 cents in anyway.

Agree with both @JGreengrass and @TTDragon. But, to be clear, if you haven’t done any testing in SYSTM (it wasnt entirely clear whether you’d done FF and just don’t want to do it again, or, if you’d never done it cuz it looks like yakshlt :wink: ) I’d very strongly recommend at least doing the Half Monty. Your FTP, MAP and cTHR will then at least be reasonably accurate and you’ll get more out of the workouts than simply inputting an FTP value.

If you want accurate NM values just do the warm-up and the 2 sprint efforts in Full Frontal. That leaves only AC, which according to another post could be reasonably estimated by doing The Trick (in level mode) and taking your average power for the 3rd interval.