Covid 24 Experiences - when to get back training

Feedback welcome on any experiences or knowledge on when to get back training after Covid 24.

I Did the Chores on Sun 21/4 and next day woke up feeling not quite right. Tuesday, felt worse and tested for Covid and unfortunately positive. Wed/Thurs was awful, shivers, temperature fluctuations etc. But Friday feeling ok, Saturday much better and Sunday almost back to normal. Monday 29th tested negative, twice, once with a normal Covid test and a second test with Triple, Flu/Covid/RSV.

I can’t believe it went so quickly. I haven’t trained yet, just wanting to make sure I am 100%. I presume if I feel good, I just ease back in to training? Symptom free since Monday, but after Covid the first time, there was so many warnings about not too much too soon.

I’m also a little cautious as my son had mycoplasma pneumonia before Christmas and the doctor said do not train until 100% better as he had some racing cyclists who did and now they have a heart arrhythmia and cannot race. It kept my son out for 5 weeks and we were super cautious, he is only 16. Better to start the race season later.

Just before I got sick I had set myself a goal of riding the BXL Tour on the 16th June with the Cyclo +35 km/h group and I’m raring to get training, just holding myself back a few days to make sure I’m 100%. I’ve been burning the candle at both ends and in the middle with working far too much and supporting my son in his racing so training time has been short and minimal and I’m anxious to get back to it. Having said that, Feb/March, I was doing lots of zone 2 with him ±7hrs at the weekend so have some base fitness and topped up with The Cure/Half is Easy in the week, so raring to get back into it.

One bizarre thing though, a day or two into Covid my right knee felt incredibly painful and I couldn’t bend it without pain. Just as suddenly, on Monday, it had disappeared. Very odd.

Any feedback gratefully appreciated.


There are numerous threads on this issue in the forum about this issue.


However long your mind and body feels you need to recover, take at least one extra week. For any illness, reallly. But especially Covid. Just because you’re negative and feel better, your body is still refilling its tank. Give it time to refill the tank. You have the base. An extra week or two of recovery won’t hurt you, but coming back too soon could. And then take a couple weeks to ramp back in. you don’t have to sit on your couch. You can do some short very easy rides. But don’t jump back in with both feet. You do have some time. And you have the work banked.


I did look, but they are older threads and was wondering what the experiences were with the new less virulent strain which appears just like flu


Despite appearances, it’s still worse than the flu, especially how it still can affect your heart without you realizing it or feeling it. And the effect on the heart can happen even after you’re feeling better but don’t realize your body is still recovering internally in ways you can’t see. So, I’m glad you’re feeling better. I would just recommend as I would to any of my friends (tho I’m not a healthcare professional and I don’t play one on tv) that you give yourself that extra recovery time after and then ramp back over a couple weeks so that if something does crop up, you catch it while it’s still minor.


Each case is separate. Some folks bounced back rather quickly and other took months to come back to even being able to do one interval. The key is listening to your body. And do less than you think you should. All it takes is one hard push and you could end up way worse than when you started. The 'Rona is nasty like that.


Cheers for the advice. I’ll have a steady re-introduction. Some steady Z2 at the weekend and then maybe No Place Like Home would be a good low level start to the higher intensity stuff.


If you feel like those Zone 2 efforts are way too much, your body is telling you something. One point, as I stated above, is avoid, at all costs, overdoing it. But only you can decide when to up the intensity. Having been down the 'Rona road, twice, I can with certainty say each journey is different.