Daily Stages

The Tour starts in less than 24hours! You should be seeing it a bit more prominently in SYSTM now as stage names, images and Strava images have been updated (as well as free status as you do not need an active subscription to ride the Tour (but all donations to the Davis Phinney Foundation are appreciated and encouraged!).

For the stage names to appear in the calendar you will need to delete and re-apply the training plan so the updated names come into effect.

Happy Riding Everyone, I’ll be posting a daily thread for each stage.


Sir @Rupert, only the SUF Route appears for me under details in the Awards section. Not that I’m complaining, just letting you know :wink:

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Now available under Plans > Events

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I’m aware. I just went in from the home page cards and they both bring you to the details page, rather than the plan builder.

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Thanks for the heads up, I’ve checked functionality and both achievements should be visible in the achievement section from the homepage as the parameters have been setup the same.
Is anyone else having this issue?

Ok I get "Temporarily Unavailable " clicking on the home cards

Thanks, what device are you on? The links should be embedded in app

Android phone…a Samsung Galaxy 21

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to be clear, I can see the Woollybully Route when I click on details in the awards section, I just can’t add that route from the details page as there is no button to click there. There is no problem at all in adding either route from the Plan Builder. I wouldn’t worry about it, I was really just pointing out a small glitch in the matrix is all.

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@Glen.Coutts Coutts - the plan button only appears for plans you HAVE NOT added to your calendar, so by your description, I can only assume you’re riding THE WAHOOLIGAN ROUTE (welcome to the club!) and not THE SUFFERLANDRIAN ROUTE (gasps of horror)!

Sir @Rupert, only the SUF Route appears for me under details in the Awards section. Not that I’m complaining, just letting you know :wink:

Follow-up actions:

  1. Paging @Dame.Ellisa.Podemski to make sure we get @Glen.Coutts assigned to the Wahooligan team
  2. Sir @Glen.Coutts, please report to the nearest flogging station: 2024 The Wahooligan Tour: Wahooligan - Davis Phinney Foundation

Here is a screenshot of my calendar:

Here is a screenshot of the Awards section after I click the Wahoolimabob Route details button

only in my wildest Knightmare would that happen.

funny guy. Fuuuuunny fuuuuuny guy.


:thinking: minion magic :man_shrugging:


How do you put “walking” on your calendar? I would like put put other activities like weight lifting on mine because I use the calendar to plan the week ahead. I could not find “walking “ in the App.


Alas, you can not. I use the Wahoo App to record walks and once they’re completed and saved, they’ll show up in the History Beta in SYSTM as well as the calendar. At this time you can’t use the SYSTM calendar to plan things that aren’t in the SYSTM library. The closest you could come to that would be to schedule one of the strength sessions.

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At this moment, #TWT3 Wahooligan Route Catalunya: Girona to Púbol shows as locked and not open on a free account. The others are unlocked.

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If you look at the details under the badges for the route, by tapping Progress, then going to the Awards tab, you’ll see the stage isn’t open yet. Same thing for Stage 2. You can ride it in advance if you want to but you won’t get credit toward the badge for it.

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I have now unlocked it, sorry about that, let me know if there are any others.
Happy Riding


Thank you, Rupert. Cheers!


I reapplied the training plan(s) and have the correct names on calendar. However I have the “original” name (without the #TWTstuff) when saving.
Is this the expected behaviour?

Running SYSTM on ipad, haven’t force closed the app after re-applying the plan(s)

I am doing the Sufferlandrian Route
Did Blender today.
Seeing 9 hammers tomorrow, reminds me we used to have different options, nuclear, get me through it etc.
I am going to have to dial down 9 hammers a tad tomorrow.
Need to get through the week