Fasting Month

As a Muslim I’m currently on Day 5 in the fasting month, technically with no food and drink from sunrise to sunset.

Any training plan recommendations for the next 30 days to at least keep the base fitness from tailing off?

My preference for a workout is an hour before breaking fast. I tried Ruta Chingaza (about 0.5 IF) just now but I think I can handle plenty more.



Maybe one if the ramp plans? I think they are about 4 weeks.


Maybe do one of the Building Blocks plans. Under Special Focus > Building Blocks. And do a 4 week version of either the FTP, Tempo, or Base plans.

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I’m not a coach but as long as you can eat after sundown and don’t have a physical job my experience with 5:2 fasting suggests you should be able to deal with max hour long sessions a few days a week. It won’t be perfect and you might end up wearing yorself down though so take things easy!

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Yes the 4 weeks base building block was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!


I fast for weight loss. In my experience I can handle up to an hour of intensity while fasted.


A couple of base sessions e.g. Z1-Z2 touching Z3 eventually would be ok. I wouldn’t recommend intense intervals since you might be low on glycogen and this might add extra load on your system, but fasting and using fat as fuel would be of great help to your overall fitness. Plenty of hydration when you still can will be extremely helpful to get you through.