Oh man. Full Frontal today and totally blew up halfway through the 20-min piece. Sagan accelerated and I just got dropped. Soon after, the legs just stopped. Disappointed? yeah. Deterred? Not so much. It was probably a bad week to tackle FF. I teach US Government to English Learners in high school and it was, um, a challenging week on that front. Was probably both mentally and physically fatigues going in, but I still have Half Monty numbers and, truth be told, the workouts after I got those have been brutal for me. Figure I’ll carry on and when my plan calls for Half Monty in 6 week, maybe do a FF then to update NM and AC numbers. Am I missing something in that logic or does that make some kind of sense, even if only in Sufferlandia?
Seems like a reasonable plan. You might need to modify the plan leading up to HM/FF a bit to make sure you’re well rested, unless the plan already has that as a taper/recovery week.
Have you checked out the pacing article?Pacing for Performance
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Yeah, I have seen that. Thanks for pointing it out making sure, though. I’m pretty well convinced it was really just a bad week to test. I’ll get it next time.
Thanks for the reality check. I’ll probably be doing the all-purpose road plan which does have a recovery week leading to HM on week six. May substitute FF for it, but we’ll see.