Since yesterday, the forum has reverted to light mode and the option to select dark mode in preferences has disappeared. Please let us have that back…
Did your phone software update? Sometimes that affects native phone settings. The forum is still in dark mode for me.
Mine has also gone into light mode and I can’t seem to switch it back. I’ve been iOS 17 Beta for months and it’s been fine but guessing something in the RC/full release has nerfed it!
same here. on the browser, ayePhone, ayePad, everywhere
Using Safari on 3 different Macs. Option has simply disappeared from the preferences menu, where it used to be…
It seems like a new theme has been deployed.
Oh no. Clearly you all need to change to the DARK side…Android for the win
Yep. Dark mode gone on my PC. It was kinda shocking when I first opened the page. Please enable that option.
It’s nothing anyone here can enable. It will need Discourse to update their app to be compatible with whatever change Apple has made
I mentioned I’m running a PC. Should have specified MS Windows, not Apple hardware or OS.
Sorry, assumed you were using Safari. Still, essentially the same point, it’s a Discourse thing as opposed to anything mods etc can change.
OK, so it’s not Apple and Micro Soft colluding the screw things up. It’s a Discourse thing. I’m not a Discourse customer. I’m a SYSTM customer. I’m telling SYSTM I want dark mode back. They’re a Discourse customer so need to deal with them to get it sorted.
Not such given Discourse is a free open source platform. I’m sure at some point it’ll get fixed, but with open source software you don’t have that luxury of customer/provider type relationships and SLAs, on the positive side, it’s free….
SYSTM isn’t free, and that’s who is providing the service I’m paying for. In the end, it’s NBD. But whether they wrote it themselves, are paying for it, or are getting it for free, the onus is still on SYSTM.
This is a free forum, it’s not part of your subscription is my point.
Discourse is not Wahoo. They updated their app and dark mode was removed. This needs to be addressed to Discourse to get restored.
I am using other discourse forums where Dark mode still works fine. Someone must have updated this instance or changed its settings to disable it. That can be rolled back. And it really should, if they want people to use it…
I have pinged the site owner in case there is anything they can see.
Hi, did you get any response or nobody at Wahoo cares?
No, not heard anything.