Getting old with health issues

Had not realized you could delete a plan and then re add it back resulting in only unridden workouts being added. what i had been doing was put the start day way in the future and then pulling forward the workouts as i had time to do them so i at least completed the workouts in the proper sequence. and if for some reason i had more time off, i might delete the recovery rides thinking i had enough recovery by couch riding.

this tip raises the question if you delete a plan, how do you start the plan over from the beginning.

I would assume you would use the filter of Start Date which will likely be a day at least in the future :person_shrugging:

As brucew says, if you add a plan with a start date of today or later, the entire plan will appear as it normal would. If you add it such that it would have started in the past, none of those past workouts will appear on you calendar. You’ll only see the upcoming ones. When you delete a partially completed plan, the completed workouts remain in you calendar and the upcoming ones are deleted from your calendar. The partially completed plan that you deleted, and the new one you add are completely independent.

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