Guess the “new” workout

From today’s email:

My guess is that it is based on this NoVid:

Any other ideas?


Boy EF is all in on virtual platforms - they have a “coaches series” weekly workout on Zwift as well. Have ridden it a few times.

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Glad they are taking advantage of the content created by sponsored teams and athletes.
It’s a win win for both parties.

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Well I guess it’s a win for Wahoo because they’re getting video content for free and a win for EF because they’re getting exposure for free. Not sure that it’s much of a win for the paying subsciber though. This will most likely be (yet) another “watch once and never again” experience like most of the videos that don’t fall into the Sufferfest or ProRide categories.


Not sure that’s fair. Lots of people have been asking for some video content for the NoVid workouts, accepting that they can’t all be SUF style.

So if they put more videos behind NoVids this way, that’s still good to me (even if I probably will only do them once or twice, I’ll still at least do them!).


That said, A Week with EF would be nice :blush:


Very true. I like to do the Open series of rides simply because they give me something to look at. So, if they added videos to a lot of the no-vids, even if they didn’t match the efforts, that would be nice step-up.

Could watch a full race or two depending on the length during some of the longer rides - especially the long Endurance 3, 4, and 5 videos.


Without Sir Francois and sir David as content creators I would not expect too much new sufferfest or prorides in the near future.
I am happy that they are trying to provide some new content.
Trying to keep current subscribers should be a priority.
By not offering systm with new wahoo trainer purchases I am concerned about systm’s future.


Wild guess, we’re getting an “All Access” channel of workouts in Systm, featuring:

  • EF Pro Cycling
  • Lifeplus Wahoo

Basic principle being: their Social Media video over a NoVid workout

works for me


As I am finding on the 12 week All Purpose plan, it’s all very well having this wide range of videos but it’s really only the Sufferfest workouts (and ProRides) that keep me engaged. The Inspiration videos are, in the main, dull as dishwater.

Time on the trainer flies by when doing the SUF workouts but struggle to stay motivated for the others.

I don’t hold out much hope for this new series - just seems like a cheap way of adding new content with none of the excellent content creation staff left.


@washsaint See this post for the evolution of Inspiration videos. Just turn off the sound and video and you can watch whatever you want or export the workout to Zwift and do the workout there. Lots of options.


That sounds like the most boring idea dropping into SUF since the introduction of “Open 60”. And it would just show how much Sir David and Francois Guguen are missing already.