Just Get Me Through It

Does anyone know what the percentages of your 4D numbers, FTP, AC, MAP and NM were set to when there was a “Just Get Me Through It” option of past ToS’s? I know that one can manually reduce them but I hate guessing and I’m sure there was some “science” behind the reduction that allowed one to get some benefit out of the workout without totally destroying you.

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That Dependz®, Sir.

It depended on what the workout or workouts were that day, whether it was the only one that day, what happened the day before or the day after. Some days the GMTI option had no reductions at all. I think Attacker had that when it first appeared in the ToS.

Here are some notes I made back in the before times in the last ToS from 2022:

Stage 7B Cash Register GMTI: NM 78, AC 78, MAP 79, FTP 100
Stage 7C Blender GMTI: NM 98, AC 85, MAP 79, FTP 85
Stage 6 TBTITW GMTI: NM 100 AC 77 MAP 78 FTP 88
Stage 5 AVDP GMTI 4/5 at 80% MAP, final 1/5 at 100%
Stage 4 The Model GMTI 80% FTP, MAP 100
Stage 2 The Way Out GMTI FTP to 80%

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@Glen.Coutts thank you, Sir. Like I said, I knew there was some “science” behind the number reductions on a day to day basis.


Understood. The problem is, from their complete absence in the forums of late, the scientists seem to have left the building :frowning:


@Glen.Coutts Sadly, you are right sir :confused:


Sir Eric, I’m pretty sure Sir @Coach.Mac.C is still around and maybe has a couple folks working with him in the “lab”, but he must be camera shy around the forums. I don’t blame him actually cuz if he were to comment here, or anywhere, he’d get totally inundated with questions and comments.

What is disappointing is that The Company seems to have abandoned the forum themselves. I’d LOVE to see a resurrection of a Sport Science Blog, or The Knowledge Podcast, or even a regular Coaching Thread here. Outside of @Rupert.H’s announcements or The Company’s socials, there’s been ZERO engagement with the community.


Unfortunately, I do not see that changing.

They are a hardware company, and the cycling software world is evolving without them. I doubt they have the resources to do both.


Sadly, nor do I.


Agreed. It’s great to have a community helping one another but when someone has a technical or “sciency” (is that even a word?) question, such as the one I had regarding the Just Get Me Through It option from past Tours, one would think that someone from the “Company”, who is putting in the Tour, would chime in and say “I recommend this” or “This is how that option worked in the past” but, they don’t.


Yep. For the Wahoolimabob Tour, the only thing they’re doing now is just saying ride it however you like.

How to ride the Tour

This year, our Wahoo Sports Science Team has created a route that is challenging, but should be possible for everyone. They recommend hitting each stage at the suggested efforts, but reducing the intensity on days when you feel you need more recovery.

Do I have to do the stages at 100%?

The Wahoo Sports Science team recommends hitting each stage at the recommended efforts, but depending on how you are feeling, you are in control of your own destiny and can adjust the intensity of each stage on days when you feel you need more recovery.

Edit: as for me, I actively do NOT want that badge and I won’t ride any non-SUF rides in semi-silent protest. I will ride a SUF replacement instead, there’ll be some type of shenanigans and I’ll do my best to raise some cash for The Cash Register.


Who is this “Wahoo Sports Science Team” that they speak of?


It is sad, but life goes on.

In some sense, this is worse than a Couchlandrian invasion and occupation.


Yeah. It’s like we’re being ghosted.


same, I’m not gonna ride any Tour of WTFooligan or whatever it may be called. Instead I decided to build my own ToS around the SUF videos that happened to be included (perhaps except for the un-SuF-ed “update” of DAYT). I’ll also make a donation to a local charity and not one I’m not interested in (no offense please, but it’s too far away to be of any use for a European). My only ever reason to actually donate to the DPF was to be a “real” participant of the ToS, the banter, the comradery, the race village, crazy challenges, the daily summary of suffering, you name it. The true Tour of Sufferlandria no longer exists, the new - erm - alternative is… well… I’ll always be a Sufferlandrian, even if I could leave our beloved nation, but I’ m not willing to recommit to TTBS.
so then
more than you



Ok,….TTBS? What I’ve managed to come up with for TTBS is most likely not what it means so……?

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Turbo Trainer Boredom Syndrome


Ah, yes. I was way, way off!

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