Let’s see your pain cave

Agree, I’d rather have mine flush with the top of my work bench, but I had to find a wall stud to mount it on and it was this height or too low. It would probably be better if I set the bike further away as well. :thinking: But then I can’t reach the mouse and keyboard

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I am struggling with this right now. The best spot for a tv is also the best spot for a fan. And being a pain cave & office I need to worry about the direction my fan is pointed and all the papers on my desk/walls.


Interesting. I was just curious whether the location of screens were subject to evaluation or simply put where there is room.

I have the top edge of my screen located a little below my horizontal line of sight, but still find it is too high. A little rearrangement of the storage room with my paincave corner is coming up and I will definitely put my screen lower.


My fan is just off to the side of in front. This works perfectly as my whole front and side get hit by the fan, so I find it is more effective than when it was front only.


What’s your bike setup on the trainer? Mine is my chilled endurance bike so I sit more upright on it. If it was the race bike, I’d ideally have the tv lying on the floor just in front of my wheel and a 45degree angle

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Very relevant question @DameLisa!

Currently I have my beautiful Spesh Allez on the trainer, so not the most chillaxed setup. For intervals I don’t use my external screen, just the screen on my Mac on a Wahoo’ish desk in front of me at approx 45° angle. For lower intensity rides not done outside I use my external screen for entertainment.

However, I used to keep a TT bike on the trainer as I targeted a TT in June. That setup definitely requires the screen to be kept low and is mainly what caused me to reflect on this matter. Will attempt to put my screen somewhere that accomodates both setups, expect the TT bike will come back on the trainer at some point.

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Agree that there may be a conflict of interest there. I keep two fans, one on either side in front of me, works quite well :slight_smile:


Most technology companies are trying to integrate cameras, fingerprint sensors and folds into their displays,
and yet, here in Sufferlandria,
we would be even more excited to see a under the screen ventilator. :wink:

Sorry, I have nothing productive to add to this conversation. Carry on…


My fan is off to the side of me, as well. I sweat a lot and I find that my hand directly in front of the fan is usually drier than my other hand. And that may explain why my headphones shorted out on the side of my face that was not facing toward the fan. lol.

When I had my bike out in the garage I was only using my phone and had the fan propped up on the recycling bin, so my phone wasn’t big enough to block the fan and my fan was directly in front of me. And I really needed every ounce of air in the summers when it was 90+ degrees in the garage at 4:30am.

Now that I’ve moved inside my home office/pain cave I could mount my fan on the wall above my TV, but the stud is off center and I’m not sure I’m going to keep my bike in this spot permanently. It’s all pretty Jimmy-rigged, at the moment.

I also have all my race numbers as a banner around the top of my office wall, and when I used my GOOD fan, they all get blown around and turn upside down, etc. And I get papers blown off my desk. So, I’ve been using my old tower fan that doesn’t blow as much air (and has a narrower beam of air), but also doesn’t mess up all my papers. I’d really love to moving back to my GOOD fan which on its lowest setting is more powerful than my tower fan on high.

I guess I need to get a new filing system and change my race number banner so I can use my GOOD fan. :frowning_face:

I laminate my race numbers and use blue tack in all 4 corners. No flap :grin:

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Yeah. Mine are hanging from a long rope of twine that has hooks in every corner and in the middle of every wall. Still using the original safety pins from most of my numbers. :smile:


Ok I’ve installed all my suf now!

Late to the party, but fixed it for you! :wink:

Why thank you Jon!!! :rofl:

Kickr Core. Check.
Kick Climb. Check.
Ridley Noah SL. Check.
Sufferlandrian Flag. Old School. Check.
Windows PC. Check.
Hi-fi speakers. Check.
Big fan. Check.
Table-saw. Check. ???





Not sure I would call this a cave, more like glamping! I took the photo from the back corner of the room. A bean bag will go there so I can watch videos and complete my mental toughness program. I use my phone on a bike mount and screen mirror via an AppleTV.

The room was a spare bedroom for the kids who come over at Christmas for a sleepover the night before the Big Guy comes down the chimney. I thought I’d put it to better use. Plus the kids are 33 and 31 so if they still believe in the Big Guy they’ve got more serious problems! :neutral_face:

The race bibs are all running related, there should be a lot more up there but I never collected them at first. This is my first time getting serious on the bike.

Loving the suffering!


Some nice caves there :+1:

I have just been tidying mine up a little, and have some plans for a little re-decoration. Stay tuned! (But don’t expect anything soon :grimacing:)


I have that problem in my pain cave. I have to tilt my neck up to watch the TV I use as my monitor.

Next garage project is to adjust the height of the TV stand. The Lasko fans are really great.


The reminder not to show any weakness is hanging :muscle: