Let’s see your pain cave

I didn’t see the Headwind at first and thought you were only using that tiny fan, and was very concerned for a moment. :hot_face:


Yeah the headwind has it covered to 95%. This is just for emergencies and can be switched on by Alexa :wink:

I have 3 fans going. With a fourth one sitting around just in case.


I have just the one, but it looks like I boosted it from MIT’s physics lab wind tunnel. Which I can neither confirm nor deny.


What kind of her new holder is that?

Thats one I got from amazon. My phone serves as remote mouse for my macbook which stands next to the tv when I suffer.
this one

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I tried using a phone mount on my stem, but it gets in the way when I want to chew on the stem… but mostly when I sweat - which is profusely. I’ve had my sweat activate or deactivate things and generally cause a huge mess when I try to press anything. :grimacing:


Thank you kindly

Well, what wall decoration could possibly be coming here…? :thinking:

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I guess I am more or less ready for the indoor season then :sunglasses:


Very nice!!!

I think I need to make the cave a bit more cave-like…


Nothing wrong with a pain-ballroom :grin:


Hail to dames and sirs of Sufferlandria. Here is a pilgrim who wanders in search of peaks full of pain.
Not being able to consider the sweet hills of Chianti as suffering, I started looking for new enterpainment stuff from about one year, when I heard the news of a new important eruption of Mount Sufferlandria.
Due to the good weather forecast, predicting plenty of lava snow for the next season and hoping for a quick release of the new android app, I decided to apply for citizenship in this forum.
As a sign of good will, I provide you with a photo of my paincave with a foreground of my first shredded chamois, ripped in glory after the last week when it had to undergo sequentially the nine hammers and a very dark place.
I would like to thank you for the support you give to suffering with the advices or personal experience.
Now I’ve got to go to erect a wood pillar in the courtyard for tonight ritual!


Is this really a pain cave, can I assume there is panpipe music in the background :wink:

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Actually i’m more in a blues, slide guitar phase. But maybe I’ll give it a chance soon. :wink:

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Here’s mine no fans here just a big garden air blower to keep me chilled

No Sufferfest stuff here just Pantani, Merckx and Indurain to keep me company.



Throwing my hat in here, I just finished building this over a couple of weeks. I sectioned off part of the garage/workshop. I lost part of my carpentry space but it’s worth it.

I used black pipe attached to the ceiling and ran curtains through it. Worked out well in the space because I already had the bike rack setup on the wall (on the left of the pics.) I did the LED lights under the DIY rack when I moved in.

The TV mount was built in under an hour and I can put up some PDF plans if anyone would like. Originally I was gonna go with a Raspberry Pi but my stepson decided to give me back my old gaming PC since he’s away at University anyway and hardly comes up to Muskoka (3 hours away.) The TV was sitting in storage and collecting dust with the heavy duty curtains.

Available: TV/PC rack plans.