Location of Mt. Sufferlandria

I rode To Get to the Other Side with Mike Cotty as our guide over various climbs in Italy and Austria today. It finishes with a cool down on Mt Sufferlandria… i was surprised to realize the terrain and background means Mt. Sufferlandria is strikingly similar, lets say an exact match, to one of my main climbs from home in fact I conqured much of it last Sunday…

Mt. Sufferlandria that Mike complained about and quit looks a lot like Lookout Mtn. west of Golden Colorado. Oh an Cotty is a quiter… :wink: I’d like to know how the conversation he wanted to have with Gunter Von Agony turned out… :wink:


This can’t be right. Lookout is a volcano, but I’ve NEVER seen the smoke rising in the distance after suffering. (/inside joke)


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That’s because of all the smoke emanating from your eyes when you finish suffering. If your vision wasn’t obstructed, you’d see the smoke in the distance.

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Maybe it became Mt. Sufferlandria after a morning tour of the Coors brewery?


I tried that a couple of days ago and finished prematurely after the Grossglockner 90/100/110 rpm interval blocks. I think that was the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever done on a trainer. That’s ok but there really should be a GUI control to permanently hide shite workouts. :slight_smile: