Inspired by something that came up in conversation between a few crusty old Sufferlandrians the other day…
Mashups. Love 'em or hate 'em ?
And if you could build a mashup what would you throw in the mix and what would you call it?
I’ll start with a simple one (to remind Sir David McQuillen of a memorably retched day during ToS’18 if nothing else ) : Butter + Revolver = Butter Shots
Trick shot. The trick with extra shot at reduced intensity after to help work your aerobic system. I’ve done it a couple of times and seems to work well.
I’m somewhere in the middle. If it’s a mashup of complete crushing then it’s a bit ‘meh’. If it’s ‘doable’ then it saves me picking two videos and occasionally encourages me to work a bit harder and then I love it.
After having just completed Stage 7 of this year’s Tour of Sufferlandria, I think that Attack & Defend would make for an excellent mash-up. Put the 4 10-minute stages in between the 5 6-minute intervals for Attacker…
Not sure how long the rest intervals would be… 1 min (like Attacker), 3 mins (like Defender) or make a giant 16-minute interval with no rest?