Petition to remaster Catalunya Pt2 to Sufferfest style

I just did Catalunya Pt2 this morning and it seems like it has all the classic recipe for Sufferfest: 20 min over under your FTP, short break, and 20 min high-low cadence at 80-90% FTP, and then final push to the end. This sounds like a classic Sufferfest recipe isn’t it? Looks harmless from afar, but stingy when you’re actually doing it.

To make it even spicier, could also blend the Pt 1 together :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


IF is only 0.82, Maybe at 105% it might induce suffering?

lol yeah, the intensity needs to be cranked to ~0.9 or so, but the potential is there!

More Sufferfest workouts? Count me in!

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Which brings to the question: how does a workout suggestion flowchart nowadays? I guess it is helpful to have a list of most requested type of workouts or something. Similar to opening and following an issue in Git. Assuming they’re willing to hear the community’s voice of course.

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New Sufferfest videos would be excellent and I would love to see them but…

Now that Sir Francois is no longer part of the team do Wahoo have anyone with the suitable creative skills?


This is my biggest concern about SYSTM. You need to constantly be updating otherwise you stagnate.


Until there is another Sufferfest video, I would assume there is nobody taking the baton…


Yeah, it might be the case. Prorides, Inspirations, and OnLocation are nice in their own way, but they also need to expand it. So far they keep adding Inspirations, but ProRides has been like that for a while. Sufferfest is also only had High Time added lately.

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I just thought High Time was the last thing Sir Francois created before he was “let go”. I would be very happy to see more ProRides and Sufferfest videos and would loved to be proved wrong but I fear Wahoo are either not interested in, or cannot make, sufficient investment to create them.

Systm is surely a profitable product for Wahoo but will that profit be used to grow the platform or to prop up other areas of the company? May work in the short/medium term, but longer term as @Mecons says, Systm will stagnate and eventually fizzle out.

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@JohnK My impression from his note was he decided to leave as he was looking for new challenges.

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My impression was he left because the environment made it untenable for him to stay.


Well whatever the reason the person who created some truely fantastic Sufferfest videos is no longer part of the team and as far as I know there is nobody else onboard attempting (or able) to fill his shoes. :frowning_face:


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