New Numbers

Yeah, I’ve had probably 5 or 6 times that my EDGE 830 has given me CRAZY FTP numbers, like close to 1200Watts and over 17 W/kg! Can you imagine what my next workout on the KICKR would be like if I’d put those numbers into effect in SYSTM?? :dizzy_face:
For me, these wild ones have occurred when the EDGE 830 also had some other kind of glitch during the ride, like stopping itself without my intervention and I had to hit the start button again, or rebooting itself during the ride, among other possible errors.

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Was your Power Meter in need of calibration? I’ve once calibrated and there was an error in the cal which I ignored as I was in a rush. My FTP that ride came out at over 2000 watts. Hahahahaha.

You should be calibrating at the start of every ride. And do ut correctly for your PM. One of mine needs cranks at 9 and 3. The other needs cranks at 6 and 12. Getting it wrong makes a difference


At least for me, I calibrate every ride. But the crazy high results have happened multiple times. I can only wish I could deliver that kind of power! Even half would be AWESOME!

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Crikey, what PM have you got? I never get that when I calibrate with no error. Is great for the ego, but if you accept the numbers then run a workout…prepare to blow yourself up :rofl:

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Stages Ultegra left side crankarm. I don’t think the PM is at fault at all, it’s working fine and the graphical data is as it should be.
But like I said, the issue seems to happen when the stupid Edge 830 has shown some other problem on the ride, like rebooting itself, or stopping as if I had pushed the pause, or freezing up for a bit and then recovering. On any ride like that, (which isn’t terribly common but more often than it ought to be,) it is fairly likely it will give crazy FTP results.
It often also gives super LOW results on some other things, like suggesting I’d have only had 1/4 bottle of water during a 4 hour ride, or maybe 100 calories eaten during the ride. The miles and elapsed time and riding time are usually close to correct, only off by the short time the unit had frozen or rebooted or stopped. It seems like that throws off certain bits of data for those calculations, even though the totals are almost all fine, the graphs of things like power, HR, cadence, etc will all look just fine, though with a tiny dropout to zeros during the bit of glitch time.

You can bet I’d blow up if I used those numbers on a workout! It would be a short ride! :wink:

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I have a Stages crank one too. Is it Gen 3? Because Gen 2 and 1 are notorious for general issues like dropouts and dodgy calibration.

I had the Garmin 820 before and now have the 1040 and honestly have never had an issue with either my Garmins or my Wahoo Roam. Maybe you just have an iffy headunit?

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@DameLisa that was no error…



My Stages PM is Gen 3. It generally seems fine. Calibrates without issue the vast majority of the time. Battery life, while poor at the beginning, has been very decent for last couple years, I guess.
Dropouts are hard to nail down as to whether the fault is with the sending device (i.e. PM) or the receiving (i.e. head unit.) I’m not sure how you can know which one is to blame.

Frankly, my inclination would be to blame the Garmin more than the Stages for any failures in communication. As an example of what I have seen, my Fenix 6S Pro/Sapphire, (which BTW is my SECOND one because Garmin replaced the first one when it had enough issues that they offered and I accepted gladly,) has, just as the first one did, ALWAYS been extremely SLOW performing syncs. It usually takes MINUTES for a sync to complete… I’ve tried with both bluetooth and WiFi set up on the device(s) but didn’t seem to matter or speed things up. That’s been the case with my first and with the replacement.
My WIFE’S identical watch, by contrast, ALWAYS synced quickly. She does not use it for as much as I do with mine by any means, and I just had to guess that my data was more complicated, detailed, complex than hers, so it takes longer… BUT the techs I would speak with at Garmin generally seemed to think it should be faster for me too, but it was a “who knows?” issue and I didn’t push hard enough to send it back because I couldn’t really be sure it would accomplish anything .

But eventually I had an issue that DID move Garmin to offer a replacement and I took it. And NOTHING was better as far as the timeframe that syncs seemed to take. I still really felt there was something amiss, but I got no solutions from Garmin.

But guess what!! My replacement watch (which I’ve had since Dec.'22) suddenly started syncing QUICKLY after the last Firmware update to 26.00, about 2 weeks ago!!
I’ve had a few firmware updates since we got our Fenix 6S watches in September of 2021, but nothing ever changed the slow sync behavior for me, and Garmin techs never had any solutions that made a difference.
Now my syncs complete faster than I’ve ever seen before! I have as much data going back and forth as ever, sleeping data, HR, pulseOX, rides, workouts, mapped courses, etc. But syncs NEVER completed promptly like they do now! Whatever was behind the problem, it is somehow fixed, (I hope!)

As for the EDGE 830, it’s possible I MAY have an iffy head unit, but nothing Garmin has ever seemed ready to replace, though I’ve had various issues over the years with it (since Nov.2019), Garmin’s typical recommendation is to do a full reset (which I HAVE done) but the issues are inconsistent both in frequency and what actually occurs. Reboots… Map freeze-ups… Terribly poor Incident Detection (that I have finally turned off COMPLETELY on ALL activity profiles because it is absolutely USELESS, in my opinion; works only when it shouldn’t, never if it should, and alerts to contact person can hardly ever be cancelled and cause problems. I HATE that “feature.”)

And Full Resets have not only been useless to make the device totally dependable again, but they cause too much hassle to be worth it. Settings are lost, sensors have to be set up all over again, many personalizations of the device are lost and have to be recreated. In short, I’m appalled at how poorly Garmin supports their customers in this regard. They should allow FAR more customization and settings for specific devices to be accessed, modified, and backed up in Garmin Connect on our phones so full resets wouldn’t be such a nightmare to endure.

I’ll get off that train because it leads to nowhere. Garmin doesn’t listen and respond by correcting the problems anyway, and I know we can’t solve it here. :confounded:

In fairness, I will say that the EDGE 830 is USUALLY dependable, if having glitches of one manner or another only every several rides qualifies as USUALLY. It may not give a single issue for a few weeks to a month, maybe more on occasion… And then I may have reboots or freeze-ups for short stretches during a ride, and have that happen 3 or 4 times in 10 rides! The device OFTEN comes back into use without totally dying, has most of the ride data except what occurred while it “spaced out,” and I’ve lost a little data.
(That’s PARTLY why I got the Fenix, to have another backup recording at the same time, but the Fenix does offer a lot that the Edge doesn’t do, of course.)

I’ve just learned to take what I can get from the different devices, use both whenever appropriate to do so, in order to have a backup device when one goes crazy, and wish Garmin would improve the dependability AND usability of their products. I give them very mediocre marks for making things simple to use and simple to restore after resets are needed.

I guess it shows that you can only compare like with like


I’m on my second 830. Not a problem with it except when i had too many events and then things went south in a hurry. Solution was to delete events i had saved elsewhere. Device has always connected and found sensors, except those that were BTLE only.
Oh, the second unit was because the first was stolen when the bicycle it was on was.

Gosh how frustrating, that would drive me nuts! So glad your watch seems to be behaving now.
I starred with a 520 Edge and it was fine but have had it for absolute ever (7 years I think) and so understandably the battery life is not as good as it was. It still qorks just fine though. Because I need decent battery life, I got the 1040 and it’s been faultless in all.honesty. i do get the odd dropout…usually from my HRM…but that seems to be when the monitor battery is dying. I’ve had my PM drop out once because it fell asleep during a cafe stop but it got picked up again a minute or so later. I must just be one of the lucky ones!

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I have never had a problem with dropouts or connection problems with my 800, 1030, or 1040.
I replaced the 1030 with the 1040 when the former’s battery could no longer be recharged.

I have tried HRMs from Garmin and Wahoo. They all have connection problems, dropouts, and ridiculous readings. Changing the battery does not seem to help. My best HRM is my Forerunner 45S. I have not been able to get it to connect to SYSTM.

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Ah, I can get my Fenix to connect to Systm, there is an activity app you have to run that transmits HR is called Virtual Run. Hopefully that helps you connect it to SYSTM


According to the Garmin website, my watch does not have the Virtual Run capability.

Oh nooooo. How annoying because it is incredibly useful.

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Fortunately, the watch can connect to the 1040, so I dual record all my SYSTM workouts and rides. It seems that SYSTM cannot use Bluetooth and ANT+ at the same time. At least, I cannot get it to work.

The only time this is a real problem is during HM or FF, but sometimes I can get the Tickr or Garmin HRM on the strap to work.

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The Fenix broadcasts over ANT+ only. Have to check if SYSTM can detect it on my Mac.

I presume your Mac connects to the trainer with Bluetooth. You would then have the same issue that I have with trying to have Bluetooth and ANT+ active at the same time. I presume you have an ANT+ dongle on your Mac.

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I’m using PC SYSTM, and have no problem with both ANT+ (dongle) and Bluetooth running at the same time. That’s been the norm since my current HR strap (Garmin Dual) only seems to put out Bluetooth (though a replacement HR Garmin Dual that his already become non-dependable puts out both ANT+ and Bluetooth, and I used to use that with SYSTM on the ANT+ connection.)
I’ve tried to force SYSTM to find the older one I’m currently using but it ONLY finds it via Bluetooth.

I’m not sure this is an explanation but it just MIGHT be a possibility that your issues running both at same time, and my issue with the DUAL that doesn’t seem to be found except via Bluetooth, MAY BOTH be due to corruption in the profiles/setup, which is not at all uncommon, sad to say.
Any corruption MIGHT BE corrected with a complete removal of those devices from both SYSTM AND from the PC/MAC/phone that is running it, and then starting all connection fresh again. (In fact, it is probably better to remove ALL DEVICES from SYSTM and from the device(s) running it, and starting totally clean again. It’s not always enough just to remove from the app alone, though that sometimes works; the device itself sometimes also needs to get a clean profile setup.)
I don’t have a problem letting the PC use Bluetooth to connect to my HRM, but it does bug me that 1 of them is found and connects on either method but the other is only found via 1 method.

If you feel like tinkering with the setup to be able to use both Bluetooth and ANT+ at the same time, it might be worth trying.


Thanks for your suggestions.

I switched to Bluetooth at the suggestion of the minions after I had problems with ANT+.

Recently, I have had to disconnect and reconnect my trainer from SYSTM every single time I use it, and it sometimes takes forever to reconnect. I am reluctant to play around with my setup, lest in the end nothing works.

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