Live on Twitch
Also in the FB Knighthood Planning Group
Live on Twitch
Also in the FB Knighthood Planning Group
@Glen.Coutts Twitch doesn’t stream very good. At least not on my end.
For the record, I’ve never been a fan of Twitch and I’m only the messenger.
If you wanna wish Brent luck or just mock him for what surely seemed like a good idea at the time, maybe pop in on the FB Knighthood planning committee page where he’s got a bit of a thread going.
Bit late so I’m sure it’s sir Brent by now… So jumping out on a limb to say Well done, (no FB in my life)… Hope he checks out the forum here!
Yep yep. Sir Brent is done. He’s not in here, you’re not in there but we’re all Sufferlandrians and soon you’ll both be named forevermore on the wall of honour. And both Canadians to boot, where we know how to spell honour and toboggan.
Do you still put the letter z in everything though?
Ummm, that dependz®