Questions about Rival and Apple Health/Fitness integration


I have some questions left, before buying a new smart-/fitnesswatch. I have an iPhone and currently an Apple Watch 3 and bike with the Bolt2. I’m quite torn between a newer AW and the rival.

  1. How often does the watch/companion-app update data in Apple Health? The website just says “regulary”. Is it once a day or once an hour? Will only this specific time be synced or all data after the last sync? Also: is this batteryhungry on the iphone?

  2. will 24/7-data (HR/steps) get synced with Apple Health and I’m able to review these metrics afterwards without limitations? So for example could Apple Health show me my HR at any specific time in the past that I’d like to see? As far as I understood the companionapp only shows these metrics in the current week and afterwards its not accessible any longer.

  3. If I pair the cadence&speed-sensors on my bike with the Rival, does it log automatically as soon as I start riding and the sensors send data? Does that add up on the weekly stuff wahoo keeps tracking and showing me on the watchface-widget? Ultimately my interest here is: does that add up on Apples Fitness-App with my daily goals if I do not start a workout for that?

Thank you very much in advance and cheers from germany


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Well, I decided to just buy one and give it a try a couple of days ago. I’ve been using it for 3 days now and I’d like to share my experience and answer my questions:

  1. (if syncing works) it syncs workouts instantly, it syncs sleep as soon as you become active and getting out of bed. 24/7-data does get synced regularely, but not instantly. Apple Health says last HR data was captured exactly an hour ago, but does not show when it was synced. Battery drain was very noticeable yesterday, but I had quite the hassle with setting up and unpaired/paired at least a dozen times to fix errors (in the end the solution was to reset the watch completely after all updates went through). Today again the iPhone sets the companion-app as the second most batterydraining app. Will see how the day goes…
  2. Yes, 24/7-data gets synced with Apple Health and is evaluable to a certain degree. It does not feed the advanced metrics Apple Health gives you (e.g. advanced sleep analysis, which it did with data from my older apple watch 3).
  3. Couldn’t try it out since I crashed my bike a day before receiving the watch. But what I already can say is: the Rival does not contribute to Apple Fitness further than simply adding the workout itself. I.e. Fitness shows me my workout, but no data at all feeds the daily goals of the fitness app - it just stays blank :frowning:

Other than that one really annoying thing I encounter: what the hell is this steps-tracking?! After getting up this morning I went to the bathroom and it suddenly had 200 steps counted going strong. I have a feeling the watch buffers a little bit before adding data to its own widgets, but thats just… ridiculous. Also in comparison with my apple watch I get a lot more steps on days I walk a lot less. Anyone else experienced something like this?

I’m still torn if I wanna keep it or pay five times what I paid for an Apple Watch. It is a really nice watch and if it works the intended way I can see the bigger picture, but since I’m used to Apple it also feels really rough not only around the edges, but also on the surface and beneath…

it does’nt synchronise my 24/7 data with Google Fit. I would really like it to do that so I can see my RHR in Google. It annoys me a lot RHR is not a RIVAL feature. It is a basic and important stat for a cyclist.
Do you get RHR in Apple Health after synchronisation?